Ocean Data Analysis with R Programming for Early Career Ocean Professionals (ECOPs)
Training Course
06 - 24 February 2023
Organiser(s) & Staff
Attendance by application.
Course Description
The course serves as an introduction to R programming language and software environment (RStudio) for data exploration, cleaning, organizing, analysis and visualization. Relevant oceanographic (physical, chemical and biological) datasets will be used in the training, making it easy to relate, understand and apply the course concept. The course is designed for Early Career Ocean Professionals, hence, no prior experience is required.
Learning outcomes
By the end of the course, the learners are expected to:
- Be familiar with the R environment,
- be able to use R for the most common data tasks: loading, cleaning, transforming and visualizing data.
- Produce meaningful descriptive statistics and informative graphs.
Target audience and prerequisites
Early Career Ocean Professionals (ECOPs) with at least a Bachelor’s degree in marine and/or biological sciences. ECOPs who are pursuing their postgraduate studies (Masters & PhD), and who intend to use R in their academic work are encouraged to apply. No prior R knowledge is required. Participation is limited to ECOPs from African countries.
Course Content
The course will be divided into 4 modules, with each module having different lessons. The modules will include:
- Module 1: Fundamental concepts in programming in R.
- Installing and setting R and RStudio, installing packages and understanding the environment
- Exploring essential R packages including the essential packages such as Tidyverse, dplyr packages
- Understanding vectors, matrices, factors, lists, dataframes, sorting and their use in R.
- Module 2: Data exploration and analysis
- Testing assumption for statistical analysis
- Data transformation
- Univariate statistical tests
- Multiple regression
- Linear models
- Module 3: Multivariate analysis
- Unconstrained ordination (PCA, CA, MCA)
- Co inertia
- Clustering
- Module 4: Data visualization and graphics in R
- Plotting in R
- Package ggplot2
- Facilitators
- Margot Deschamps – Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research
- Win Cowger - Moore Institute for Plastic Pollution Research
- Paula Nieto - Centro Nacional de Análisis Genómico
- Moderators
- Gabriel A. Juma – Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research
- Anthony Ndah – Early Career Ocean Professionals Programme
Language of instruction
Pre-course Activities or Assessment
Before the start of the course, participants will be required to:
- Visit the R software page and download the software.
- Download and install RStudio.
- Download the datasets that will be uploaded on the course (OTGA platform)
- upload a self-introduction on the course (OTGA platform) (pecific instruction son how to do this will be included)
- Read the course materials notes that will be prepared by the lecturers.
There will be no pre-course assessment since students who might have problems downloading the software will be helped during the first synchronous session.
Learner Assessment
Learners will be assessed through
- Homework (asynchronous) assignments
- Individual/team project (data analysis project on one of the modules)
- Final Presentation (mini project)
A certificate will be issued to those who comply with the following criteria:
- Completing all the course modules (both asynchronous/self-paced content as well the synchronous content or its recording within the deadlines).
- Successfully completing all the course assignments and other evaluation tools (70% minimum pass grade)
Language and computer skills required:
Applicants are expected to:
- have 10 years or less of professional experience in any field related to the ocean (see ECOP definition on https://www.ecopdecade.org/our-story/)
- have a working knowledge of English
- have basic computer skills
- be able to download and install software
- experience/familiarity with a variety of file formats such as: .pdf, doc or .docx, .txt, and .csv
- the ability to be self-directed in learning new technology skills (e.g., following a step-by-step tutorial, online video help, or access to support to learn necessary skills)
Technology requirements
To complete this course, you should have access to:
- A laptop or desktop available to be used throughout the duration of the course, including administrator rights for software installation from which the students can perform tasks and join the synchronous sessions.
- Latest version of either Chrome, Edge, Firefox, or Safari web browsers
- Linux (preferably ubuntu 16.04 or above)
- Access to stable internet
- Speakers and microphone for synchronous sessions (or its recordings)
Course Duration and Format
The course will take place online between 6 - 24th February 2023, with an estimated duration/workload of 30 - 35 hours. The course will consist mainly of asynchronous work, including reading assignments, watching tutorials and completing assignemnts and group work.
Synchronous sessions
Although most of the course will run asynchronously, several live sessions for trouble shooting, Q & A and for discussions will be organized. The synchronous sessions are tentatively planned as follows:Live session will take place on the following dates (every time between 16-18h Nairobi time)
- Monday 6 February 2023
- Wednesday 8 February 2023
- Friday 10 February 2023
-Monday 13 February 2023
- Wednesday 15 February 2023
- Friday 17 February 2023
- Friday 24 February 2023
The live sessions will take place from 16:00 hrs to 18:00 hrs Nairobi Time. Recordings of the live sessions will also be provided to participants who might experience internet challenges or might not make to join the live sessions.
Application Process
A limited number of seats (50) is available. Please complete the oline application form available on this LINK. The deadline to submit the aaplication is 16 December 2022 (23:59 CET: Central European Time). There are no tuition fees.
UNESCO is committed to promote equal access principles. Applications from minority or underrepresented groups are strongly encouraged.
Selection process/criteria (50 seats available):
- be an ECOP from an African country
- motivation statement
- at least a bachelor’s degree. ECOPs who are pursuing their postgraduate studies (Masters & PhD), and who intend to use R in their academic work are encouraged to apply.
- Course Coordinator: Gabriel A. Juma (gabriel.juma@awi.de)
- OTGA Secretariat: ioc.training@unesco.org
In case of questions please contact the Course Coordinator and the OTGA Secretariat always using the name of the course as email subject.
Cancellation policy:
In the event of cancellation of the course by the OTGA or its affiliates, we will provide notification of cancellation at least 7 days prior to the course date. In the event of cancellation by the attendee, we should receive notification of cancellation at least 7 days prior to the course date.
[View an annotated printable version of this agenda]
There are 52 participants associated with Ocean Data Analysis with R Programming for Early Career Ocean Professionals (ECOPs) , 1 of whom is provisional .
Name | Country |
COWGER Win | United States of America |
DESCHAMPS Margot | Germany |
JUMA Gabriel Akoko | Germany |
NDAH Anthony | Cameroon |
NIETO Paula | Spain |
Name | Country |
MAOZE Dercio | Mozambique |
= Person has not yet confirmed their participation.
Participant Stats:
Total Invited: 52
Confirmed: 51
Not confirmed: 1
Unapproved: 0
Not-participating: 0
Rejected: 0
Label(s): OceanTeacher Training course
Created at 12:38 on 05 Dec 2022 by Cláudia Delgado
Last Updated at 09:13 on 04 Mar 2024 by Sofie de Baenst