Fourth In-Region Western Indian Ocean Capacity Building Workshop
29 April - 03 May 2013
Organiser(s) & Staff
- Dr. Nick D'ADAMO
- Dr Thomas GROSS
- Mr Mika ODIDO
- Dr. Yohana W. SHAGHUDE
- Dr Johan STANDER
- Wassila THIAW
- Dr Sidney W. THURSTON
- Prof. David VOUSDEN
- Dr Weidong YU
By invitation only.
of the WMO/IOC Data Buoy Cooperation Panel (DBCP) and Partners.
Implementation and Operation of Indian Ocean Data Buoy Networks and their Socio- Economic Applications for Enhancing Regional Predictive Capability
29 April � 3 May 2013 Venue: Zanzibar Ocean View Hotel ( Zanzibar Tanzania Hosted By the Tanzania Meteorological Agency (TMA) Dr. Agnes Kijazi, WMO Permanent Representative Tanzania Institute for Marine Sciences (IMS) Dr. Desiderius CP Masalu, Director Goals of the Fourth DBCP Western Indian Ocean (WIO-4) Capacity Building Workshop The Following Goals and associated Actions reflect the needs of this 4th Workshop and of the long-term Ocean Monitoring Capacity in the region: 1. Review and Advance Resolutions and Recommendations from the 3rd DBCP Workshop in Mombasa, Including National and Project Updates, and any relevant African Ministerial Conference on Meteorology (AMCOMET-2) Action Items, 2. Demonstrate the Crucial Role of Indian Ocean Observations, such as IndOOS and RAMA (, for Understanding and Predicting Regional Weather, Ocean and Climate using CFS, SINTEX and other Models, 3. Build Regional and National Human (Mentoring Network), Institutional and Infrastructure Capacity Needed to Acquire, Process and Deliver Socio-Economic Benefits From Ocean Observations, 4. Continue to Learn Practical Implementation Skills for the Deployment of Operational Data Buoys at Sea, the Collection of Buoy Data, and Related Data Management, 5. Coordinate Regional Institutes for Increasing in-situ Western Indian Ocean Observations to Include Closer Coordination with DBCP International Buoy Program for the Indian Ocean (IBPIO), 6. Explore Ways to Mitigate Deployment Constraints Due to Piracy to Include Potential Recommendations from AMCOMET-2, and by Using Gliders, 7. Continue to Align with Objectives of the Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS) to Deliver Ocean Data to the End-User, 8. Provide an Update on Regional New Research Vessels Entering into Service, 9. Utilize advances in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) such as Webinar to Facilitate More Effective Outreach and Capacity Building Activities on a Larger Scale, 10. Continue to Find Synergy between DBCP and Agulhas-Somali Current Large Marine Ecosystem (ASCLME) in-situ Ocean Observations and Satellite Observations of the Regional Africa Monitoring of the Environment for Sustainable Development (AMESD), 11. Enhance Coordination and Cooperation between the DBCP Task Team for Capacity Building (TT-CB), WMO Regional Associations (RA-I/II) and the IOC Sub Commission for Africa. A JCOMM PANGEA Workshop: pangea-concept wio-dbcp1 wio-dbcp2 wio-dbcp3 wio-dbcp4
[View an annotated printable version of this agenda]
Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
DBCP-WIO-4_INF-2 | Zanzibar WIO-4 Hotel Information note | 05/04/2013 |
There are 33 participants associated with Fourth In-Region Western Indian Ocean Capacity Building Workshop , 5 of whom are provisional .
Name | Country |
BHUTTO Abdul Qayoom | Pakistan |
BORNMAN Tommy | Kenya |
BRASSINGTON Gary | Australia |
CENTURIONI Luca | United States of America |
D'ADAMO Nick | Australia |
DU TOIT Santjie | South Africa |
FRANCIS Julius | United Republic of Tanzania |
GOMES Francisco | Guinea-Bissau |
JACKSON Jennifer | Canada |
KIJAZI Agnes | United Republic of Tanzania |
MAHONGO Shigalla | United Republic of Tanzania |
MAYUNGA John | United Republic of Tanzania |
MCCALL Walt | United States of America |
MORRIS Tamaryn | South Africa |
MSEMO Hellen | United Republic of Tanzania |
MUNGAI John | Kenya |
MVIBUDULU Zimakanda | Democratic Republic of the Congo |
NDUGANDA Augustino | United Republic of Tanzania |
ODIDO Mika | Kenya |
PATHAK Premnarain Ramnath | Mauritius |
ROBERTS Michael | South Africa |
SAUER Warwick | South Africa |
SCOTT Lucy | Belgium |
SHAGHUDE Yohana W. | United Republic of Tanzania |
SHAMBAUGH James | United States of America |
STANDER Johan | Switzerland |
STROKER Kelly | United States of America |
THIAW Wassila | United States of America |
THURSTON Sidney W. | United States of America |
VOGEL Augustus | United States of America |
VOUSDEN David | South Africa |
WALLACE Al | Canada |
YU Weidong | China |
= Person has not yet confirmed their participation.
= Person has declined to participate or had their request to participate declined.
Participant Stats:
Total Invited: 35
Confirmed: 28
Not confirmed: 5
Unapproved: 0
Not-participating: 2
Rejected: 0
Label(s): no labels
Created at 17:29 on 09 Jan 2013 by OceanExpert Manager
Last Updated at 17:02 on 29 Apr 2021 by Long Jiang