1 | Agenda : Fourth In-Region Western Indian Ocean (WIO-4) Capacity Building Workshop |
1.1 | Schedule for Opening Program |
1.2 | Opening Day Remarks: Al Wallace, DBCP Chair |
1.3 | Opening Day Remarks: Johan Stander, JCOMM |
1.4 | Opening Day Remarks: Director-General, TMA |
1.5 | Keynote Address: Mr. Rashid Seif Suleiman, Honorable Minister of Infrastructure and Communication in Zanzibar |
1.6 | WIO-3 Resolutions and Piracy Update: Sidney Thurston, DBCP |
1.7 | Use of Climate, Weather, and Oceanographic Data in Tanzania: TMA |
1.8 | Overview of IOC Activities in Africa: Mika Odido, IOC Sub-Commission, Nairobi |
1.9 | Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS): Johan Stander, JCOMM |
1.10 | JCOMM and the Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS): Johan Stander, JCOMM |
1.11 | Climate Forecast System (CFS): Wassila Thiaw, NOAA/NCEP |
1.12 | Wave Glider Mission in Western Indian Ocean: Walt McCall, NOAA/NDBC |
1.13 | Status of Indian Ocean Observing System: M. Ravichandran, IndOOS and Co-Chair CLIVAR Indian Ocean Panel |
1.14 | Weather and Climate of WIO and Impacts in Eastern and Southern Africa Region: TMA |
1.15 | Marine Activities in EAC Region: Director-General, TMA |
1.16 | Country Questionnaire and Feedback on Oceanographic and Meteorological Capabilities: Tammy Morris, BCRE |
1.17 | Country Questionnaire and In-Country Indication of Marine Meteorological Capacity Template: Tammy Morris, BCRE |
1.18 | Country Questionnaire and In-Country Indication of Oceanographic Capacity Template: Tammy Morris, BCRE |
1.19 | Country Questionnaire Quick Analysis: Tammy Morris, BCRE |
1.20 | Country Questionnaire and Oceanography Analysis: Tammy Morris, BCRE |
1.21 | Country Questionnaire and Marine Meteorology Analysis: Tammy Morris, BCRE |
1.22 | DRC - National Report |
1.23 | Guinea Bissau - National Report |
1.24 | Kenya - National Report |
1.25 | Mauritius - National Report |
2.1 | JCOMMOPS Overview: Kelly Stroker, JCOMMOPS |
2.2 | Strategic Action Programme for the WIO Region: Lucy Scott, ASCLME |
2.3 | Physical Oceanography Instrumentation Course: Tammy Morris, BCRE |
2.4 | Operational Ocean Forecasting: Gary Brassington, BoM |
2.5 | Drifting Buoys Array in Indian Ocean: Luca Centurioni, Scripps |
2.6 | WIO In-Region Research Vessels: Mike Roberts, Ocean Africa |
2.7 | WIO In-Region Ships: Mike Roberts, Ocean Africa |
2.8 | 'Africa' Desk Training Opportunity: Wassila Thiaw, NOAA/NCEP |
2.9 | Wave Glider Operations, SHARC Mission: Walt McCall, NOAA/NDBC |
2.10 | Descriptive Physical Oceanography Course: Tammy Morris, BCRE |
2.11 | Nigeria - National Report |
2.12 | Pakistan - National Report |
2.13 | South Africa - National Report |
2.14 | Tanzania - National Report |
3.1 | Experimental Predictions for the Indian Ocean Basin: Wassila Thiaw, NOAA/NCEP |
3.2 | IBPIO WIO VOS-SOOP Pilot Project: Santjie DuToit, IBPIO |
3.3 | Auto Quality Control Methods: Walt McCall, NOAA/NDBC |
3.4 | Bio-physical Interactions Between the Agulhas Current and Agulhas Bank, South Africa: Jennifer Jackson, ASL |
4.1 | China FIO BaiLong Buoy Technology Atmospheric Weather Stations: Sidney Thurston, DBCP |
4.2 | Office of Naval Research (ONR) Investment in Ghana, West Africa: Augustus Vogel, ONR |
4.3 | Long Term Monitoring and Ecosystem Indicators: Lucy Scott, ASCLME |
4.4 | Capacity Building and Training on the ASCLME Project: Lucy Scott, ASCLME |
4.5 | Training Module Ocean Applications: Gary Brassington, BoM |
4.6 | Interviewing Volunteers for Perth Capacity Building Workshop: Gary Brassington, BoM |
5.1 | JCOMM and Capacity Development: Johan Stander, JCOMM |
5.2 | Day 5 Trainee Assignment: Template |
5.3 | DRC: Day 5 Trainee Assignment |
5.4 | Guinea Bissau: Day 5 Trainee Assignment |
5.5 | Kenya: Day 5 Trainee Assignment |
5.6 | Mauritius: Day 5 Trainee Assignment |
5.7 | Nigeria: Day 5 Trainee Assignment |
5.8 | Pakistan: Day 5 Trainee Assignment |
5.9 | Tanzania: Day 5 Trainee Assignment |
5.10 | TMA: Day 5 Trainee Assignment |
5.11 | IMS: Day 5 Trainee Assignment |
5.12 | Draft WIO-4 Resolutions: Sidney Thurston, DBCP |
5.13 | Group Photo Zanzibar Workshop |