Persistent Digital Identifiers (UIDs)
Subject Area
Physical Oceanography
Marine and Coastal Engineering
- GIS responsible
(collecting, integration/processing of spatial data, spatial database,
preparing thematic map/spatial analysis, remote sensing);
- Responsible for
the Marine Spatial Planning Directive, member of the Maritime Space Planning National
- Coastal geomorphology
(shoreline dynamic, morphometric parameters of the beach, bathymetry, marine
habitat mapping)
- Responsible for
MSFD Descriptor 6 Seabed Integrity, member of working team descriptor D1 –
Biodiversity - Benthic Habitats, Marine Strategy Directive
- mapping,
monitoring and data integration of habitats and species of community interest
(Habitats Directive)
- Member of the
working group for INSPIRE Directive
- Participation
in field measurement campaigns: habitat mapping, topographic measurements of
coastal geomorphological parameters (topography, GPS bathymetry, granulometry),
collection and processing of aerial images, bathymetry/side-scan imaging
science(Faculty of Geography diploma), master in “Water management” and PhD (coastal
geomorphology) at University of Bucharest. Expertise in GIS (collecting,
integration/processing of spatial data, spatial database, preparing thematic
map/spatial analysis, remote sensing), Marine Spatial Planning, mapping,
monitoring, integration and modelling of marine biodiversity, coastal and
seabed geomorphology. I have 16 years of experience as researcher at National
Institute for Marine Research and Development “Grigore Antipa”, Romania,
Department of Oceanography and Coastal Engineering, being the coordinator or
team member in numerous national and international projects concerning European
Directives implementation and conservation
of marine/coastal biodiversity and ecosystems: MSP Directive (member of
the Maritime Spatial Planning National Committee), Habitats Directive
(responsible for reporting based on article 17 for marine species and marine
and coastal habitats), MSFD (responsibility for Descriptor 6- Seabed
Integrity), INSPIRE Directive, dynamics of physical and hydro-geo-morphological
processes evaluation of the risks and vulnerabilities of the marine and coastal
area in the context of climate change and anthropogenic pressures, marine protected areas designation and management.