Subject Area
Biological Oceanography, Marine Ecology
Fisheries, Aquaculture
Currently pursuing Ph.D. Worked
as Senior Research Fellow in the project titled as “Biology, Resource
Characteristics and Stock assessment of Deep sea fin fishes and prawns in the
depth zone 200-1200m along the southern and central Indian Ocean” as part of
Deep Sea and Distant Water Fishery under MLRP programme of MoES. Handled and
familiar in taxonomy of deep sea fishes with molecular, morphometric and
meristic datas. And expertise in feeding ecology & maturation and spawning of
deep sea fishes.
Data analysis with various statistical
softwares and familiar with ‘R’software,
ecosim, SPSS, primer 6 software, Ocean Data View, R ‘marmap’ (r) and mathlab.
Expertise in Taxonmy and Biology of deep sea fishes and prawns off South-
Eastern Arabian Sea and Andaman Sea. Participated
in the cruise of FORV Sagar Sampada undertaken to study the deep sea and
Distant water Fishery and covered 3042 nautical miles in the voyage along
Andaman Sea.
Taxonomy, Feeding ecology and marine biodiversity