Job Type
Data Management
Natural Resource Management
Operational Support (technical)
Technical Advice & Consulting
Subject Area
Biological Oceanography, Marine Ecology
Research Support Services
I am collaborating with the NGO Innoceana in many projects concerning the marine conservation; at the same time, I am carrying out my PhD. in La Universidad de La Laguna (Tenerife, Canary Islands) regarding the management and determination of priority areas of marine conservation based on the assessing of biodiversity distribution (benthic and pelagic) and the spatial evaluation of threats in the Canary Islands (Spain).
My skills are focused on spatial analysis as Species Distribution Models (SDM) and Ecological Niche Models (ENM), Climate Change trends, Threats modelling and Priority areas of Conservation (Marxan), both marine and terrestrial. Establishment of Marine Protected Areas (MPA). Also in updating of Red List of Threatened Species (RLTS) and design of Red List of Ecosystems (RLEc).
Working language(s)
English Portuguese Spanish
MSc. Biodiversity and Conservation in tropical areas