Subject Area
Biological Oceanography
Marine Ecology
Program set up and coordination
Technical and general management
Organization of research activities in National and European projects
Development of hatchery and nursery technologies
Larval culture techniques, nutrition, biochemical analysis
R&D in aquaculture, marine biology and ecology
Funding and grants
Project development and scientific evaluator
Teaching activities (Undergraduate and graduate)
Development of integrated aquaculture technology
Experimental design, data statistical analysis, scientific publications
Infrastructure design
Reviewer for aquatic science journals
Researcher and Project Manager
Mollusc aquaculture, reseeding and environmental monitoring programs
Research areas:
Larval culture
Grow-out techniques
Fatty acids
Integrated and sustainable aquaculture technology
Macroalgae production
Microalgae production
Ornamental species production
Coral reefs monitoring
Reseeding techniques
Sustainable development