Persistent Digital Identifiers (UIDs)
Subject Area
Biological Oceanography, Marine Ecology
Fisheries, Aquaculture
I am currently working on a wide range of research projects, including: assessment and mitigation of bycatch (marine mammals and seabirds in particular) in small scale fisheries, development of electroninc monitoring systems for small scale fishing boats, assessment of Swedish MPAs, recreational fishing effort, and EBFM with a focus on herrings role in the ecosystem.
My earlier work focused on the ecology of soft sediment fish assemblages in temperate waters of South Eastern Australia. I used Baited Remote Underwater Video (BRUVs) to identify and compare fish communities found on temperate soft sediments, including in NSW marine park sanctuary zones (no-take zones), habitat protection zones (recreational fishing allowed) and areas outside of the marine park (that are targeted by both recreational fishers and commercial fishing vessels). In addition, I am used acoustic tracking to investigate issues surrounding the movement patterns of key soft sediment fishes.
I am also involved in a number of other projects including aerial tracking of sharks, analysis of shark meshing data, and citizen science projects such as Australasian fishes.
Sea regions of study
Tasman Sea
South Pacific Ocean
Baltic Sea
- Animal movement analysis
- Stereo underwater video analysis
- Field work and project management
- Data analysis
- Fish identification
- Shark Science
- Shark & Human Interactions
- Science communication
- Public engagement
- Electronic Monitoring of fisheries catch and bycatch