Job Type
Operational Support (technical)
Subject Area
Biological Oceanography
Marine Ecology
Research Support Services
Dr. Alfonso Modica is currently the Responsible of the Environmental Laboratory of Syndial Priolo. His research interests include: chemical monitoring of industrial sites, Environmental Impact Studies of marine facilities, environmental certification, environmental indicators of impact. He is author of more than 30 scientific publications, ranging from the impacts of oil platforms to the monitoring of mariculture cages. He has been involved in various EU funded and Italian Ministry of Research (MIUR) projects.
Sea regions of study
Mediterranean Sea - Western Basin
Dr. Modica during 20 years of work experience, have successfully managed and implemented more than 20 projects ranging from environmental assessments, management and implementation of research projects, concerning the development and setting of innovative technologies of marine environmental impact assessment and monitoring, with particular reference to ENI E&P plants (marine platforms) and mariculture facilities. At the moment the Environmental Laboratory is involved in Priolo industrial site reclamation, carrying out analyses of a broad range of contaminants including PAH, Dioxine, and heavy metals in various matrix (water, soil, air). The Laboratory is accredited ACCREDIA and ILAC with number 0719.