*Agroecologist, general manager with 29 years of experience in Project Management
and General Coordination in Central and South America, Caribbean, and West Africa
*Head of Mission/ Country Director for different organizations in several countries
*Manager of urban & peri-urban sustainable development programs, natural resources, agroecology, ethnobotany&phytotherapy and Ecosystem-based Disaster Risk Reduction projects in LAC
*Advisor in Cooperation, Conservation, Climate Change Adaptation and Nature based Solutions
*Specialist in Collective Action and Country Development for Latin America and Caribbean (FODEPAL Chili, FAO, Madrid University)
*Member of the National Intervention Team in Health (Disasters and Outbreaks) IFRC/Colombian Red Cross/CREPD and member of Swiss Red Cross ERT
*Strong skills in coordination, lobbying, advocacy, diplomacy, strategic planning; monitoring, evaluation and reporting; capacity building and training of Red Cross National Societies, INGO´s and NGO´s, national and local governments & partners.
*Fundraising and funds management: USAID, OFDA, UE, ECHO, DFID, COSUDE, IFRC
* Colombian Red Cross Volunteer & National Natural Park volunteer ranger in Colombia