and manage the implementation of the Climate-Resilient Aquaculture Systems for Africa (CASA) Project in Africa. The project aims to
transform the lives of stakeholders in aquatic food systems across Kenya,
addressing the climate change challenges and offers the opportunity to deliver
transformative food systems interventions in these countries. As the Project Leader, I'm responsible for the overall supervision of the project team and oversight of
the project implementation. Specifically I'm responsible for Project Management, Team Leadership and Supervision, Stakeholders engagement and Partnerships. The Project focus on four thematic intervention areas;
- Increasing production
of affordable, healthy and nutritious fish under climate resilient production
- Improving processing & post-harvest activities & strengthening market
- Increase
access to finance to support aquaculture growth
- Enabling
the right policy environment to foster growth of the aquaculture sector
Core Activities
Aquaculture Systems
•Introduce genetically improved farmed
tilapia (GIFT) strains to boost productivity.
•Train 4000 fish farmers on best
management practices.
Value Chains
•Establish networks for fish seed and feed
•Provide climate-smart technologies to
1000 processors.
Building and Training
•Train Aquaculture Agents to deliver
technical support and advisory services.
•Build skills for women and youth to
participate more effectively in aquaculture.
Financial and Market Access
•Pilot and scale financial products
tailored to aquaculture businesses.
•Facilitate digital tools for market
linkages and price transparency.
•Collaborate with government stakeholders
to address gaps in aquaculture policy.
Support the development of policies that
integrate economic, social, and environmental objectives