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Analyses of plastics from sea
I am a chemical engineer with a master's degree and doctorate from IVIC, I have experience in research and development of polymeric materials, I have worked in the area of biofuels (glycerol conversion). In 2004 I received the José Félix Rivas Order (2nd Class) for academic and scientific merits. I have extensive knowledge in the management and administration of polymer synthesis and characterization laboratories, I have received training in ISO 17025 standards (service providing laboratories). I have extensive experience as a teacher in engineering and chemistry degrees. I have visited all the plastic processing plants in the Venezuelan State (Coveplast) where I taught plastic technology training courses. I have great empathy and ability to integrate into large work groups, I interact easily with people, managing to understand their needs and concerns in a natural way, I also manage to motivate the staff in my charge through my example, demonstrating great solidarity and camaraderie. I have great organizational capacity, dividing activities into short tasks connected by well-described and easy-to-execute procedures. I am punctual and responsible towards my supervisors and my supervisees. I demonstrate respect and education to the people with whom I interact. I can speak in public without problems, even giving talks, classes and seminars to audiences of various levels of training. I use basic computer packages (Word, Excel, Power Point, Mendelev, EndNote, ChemDraw, basic AutoCad, etc.), I am skilled in exploring information through search engines such as: Google, Scielo, World Wide Science, Science Direct, ResearchGate , etc. I am always willing to learn new skills with patience and discipline.