Job Type
Natural Resource Management
Operational Support (technical)
Decision Making & Policy
Technical Advice & Consulting
Subject Area
Biological Oceanography, Marine Ecology
Fisheries, Aquaculture
Policy, Law, Economics, Management
I have expertise in a broad range of areas relating to marine conservation, fisheries management (small-scale and large-scale), and climate change adaptation in the marine conservation and fisheries related sectors. Expertise include in:
- Undertaking socio-economic impact assessment of fisheries management plans and new fisheries regulations.
- Preparation of Tuna Fisheries Management Plan.
- Preparation of Tuna Industry Development Plan.
- Drafting of projects to be financed by the Global Environmental Facility and other multilateral donors.
- Preparation of National Plan of Action to Prevent, Deter and Eliminate Illegal, Unregulated & Unreported Fishing (NPOA-IUU).
- Preparation of Marine Protected Areas Management Plans (Including for No-take MPAs and Sustainable Use MPAs).
- Prepared of National Policy and Strategic Action Plan
on Coral Reef Conservation and Management.
- Capacity building in Project Planning and Business
Development for Small-scale Fishers.
- Project proposal for formulation of a Coastal Zone Management Policy and
Strategic Action Plan.
- Impact and sustainability study of donor funded projects.
- Marine and biodiversity assessment reports.
- Assessments of policy and regulatory landscape for
ecosystem-based adaptation.
- Strategic Planning for fisheries management institutions.
- Cross-sector coordination of climate change adaptation.