Highest Degree
M. S. Software Systems in Birla institute of technology and science Pilani
Job Type
ECOP (Early Career Ocean Professional)
Subject Area
Biological Oceanography, Marine Ecology
Climatology, Meteorology
Fisheries, Aquaculture
Marine and Coastal Engineering
Marine Biotechnology, Marine Products
Policy, Law, Economics, Management
Research Support Services
Zero Hunger Champion in United Nations World Food Programme,
Scientific marine research in UNESCO Ocean Decade laboratories and ITU Green Digital Action Champion in international telecommunication union
(Nobel peace prize 2020 for contributing innovative ideologies of the
blockchain technologies and the digital financial services in
partnership with the United Nations World Food Programme)
Digital technologies and the telecommunications 5G technologies in the ocean science and technologies
I have worked extensively in the ITU - T Focus Groups digital financial services, digital fiat currencies, artificial intelligence and environmental efficiency, blockchain for smart sustainable cities, innovative financing mechanisms, simple ways to be smart, City platforms and United for smart sustainable cities!
I have worked extensively in the subject areas and the conceptual framework of the digital technologies and the food systems and the food value chains in the United Nations World Food Programme.