I started Proyecto Acuática in 2018, when I was 10 years old. because I could not find marine biology courses for my age, so I created my own method and I began to share what I learned using social media for educating and promoting an understanding of the aquatic ecosystem, focusing on new generations, schools, families and environmental organizations.
Since childhood, I have been engaged in local conservation and environmental protection initiatives. Since 2019, I am the youngest environmental columnist for Caracol Radio in Colombia and, since 2021, I am the only young girl Colombian agent of change in the Latin American Marine Education Network Relato Oceano.
In 2022, Colombia Visible recognized my impact on environmental initiatives in Colombia. The subsequent year, Forbes Colombia Magazine included me in their list of 70 future leaders. I was the 2nd place at Ocean Love Innovation Awards 2024 (ONU supported) with the educational program Charlas El Océano based in my experience and I was included at 100 Latinos comprometidos con la Acción Climática in 2024 by Sachamama and Agencia EFE . My skills are oceanic development educational projects and activities, writing and oral skills , Ocean Literacy, Speaker , digital content creator.
The biggest problem is the desinformation learned from childhood. I’ve witnessed ignorance around the health and protection of the ocean and important topics such as extinction or overfishing. Using educational and allusive programs such as funny but reflexive videos, games, speeches, connect with audiences from babies to seniors, in other words, everyone is on the same page. Our approach is to promote oceanic culture and marine life's protection from childhood and adolescense because, in this way, it will be easier to plant ocean awareness in new generations.
Kids and teenagers are potential leaders in any profession. They will be very capable of taking more respectful decisions in regard to the ocean, it doesn’t matter the country, because this knowledge will be part of their life and they will be contributing with their “drop of water”.
Charlas El Oceano, an educational program of Proyecto Acuática, will be developed through face-to-face and online meetings, workshops and intergenerational events with authorities, scientists and young people who love the ocean. In this way, we could contribute to oceanic culture so it does not have borders of age, language nor geography and scientific knowledge will be able to reach new generations.
The children can change the world too.