Job Type
Data Management
Natural Resource Management
Extension Services (Public Awareness)
Ø To
provide technical advice/assistance and support in any fisheries related areas
at their respective stations and provide support to island councils, fisheries
communities as well as the general public.
Ø Carry
out data collection on related fisheries programs on the outer islands
There are many of our activity that should be do while in outer these are some of it that always cover and attempt it.
Ø Advice
and assist local communities on management measures to address concerns with
overfishing and overharvesting of marine resources, etc
Ø Strengthen
network and collaboration among fishers, island council and relevant
communities in relation to fisheries programs
Ø Provide
concerns from local fisheries on relevant fisheries programs
Ø Assist
and provide support to any fisheries project carried out in the outer islands
Working language(s)
Kiribati Language and English