Persistent Digital Identifiers (UIDs)
PhD project (10.2022 - Present) in the Schwab Lab
Studying the ultrastructural biodiversity of dinoflagellates across the European coastline with the application of high-resolution, multimodal imaging techniques, primarily 2D and 3D electron microscopy.
Project involves field sampling for planktons, and processing fresh samples for light and electron microscopy as well as metabarcoding.
Field work involving plankton net tows at coastal sites.
Electron microscopy - sample processing and imaging including
- High pressure freezing and plunge freezing
- Epifluorescence based and confocal microscopy
- Sample preparation for SEM, TEM, FIB-SEM, ultra-sectioning
- Electron microscopy - SEM, TEM, FIB-SEM data collection
- 3D segmentation and volume rendering of FIB-SEM datasets
- Expansion microscopy