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Job Type
Natural Resource Management
Decision Making & Policy
My interest, experience and recent training has been in sustainable mountain development in Africa, and I worked in a project that promoted this principle throughout Africa. I hope to be able to apply, in my own research and consulting, these UNSDG principles to mountains, and potentially start a 'mountains literacy' programme along similar lines to the UN Oceans Development programme, and that includes climate change messages and literacy. I am also interested in research and writing about marine biotechnology, algal biotechnology and aquaculture as my PhD was in plant biotechnology and genetic engineering (1995). I attended a UN FCCC COP in Nairobi in 2007, and an Aquaculture Conference in Namibia in 2011.
Research and writing, qualitative research, communication and message creation, campaign research, lecturing and supervising postgraduate students, organizing conferences.
I hope to be able to learn more about oceans and oceans literacy in order to apply this type of 'literacy' to issues relating to climate change and oceans, marine protected areas, marine biotechnology - as well as to other pressing environmental issues (sustainable mountain development in Africa and climate change adaptation in Africa).