Persistent Digital Identifiers (UIDs)
Job Type
Technical Advice & Consulting
Subject Area
Biological Oceanography, Marine Ecology
Fisheries, Aquaculture
Marine invasive species are establishing populations mainly in enclosed
disturbed ecosystems, such as ports, enclosed gulfs or aquaculture facilities. Although
the monitoring of these ecosystems and inventorying invasive species is of
major importance, cannot offer solutions in continuous expansion and dispersion
of non-indigenous species (NIS). The mitigation of impacts or suppressing
expansion of invaders is among the priorities of EU legislation, but
stakeholders cannot act towards this direction because of lucking information
regarding life-cycle characteristics of marine species.
The importance of studying the biology of invasive species was discussed
in EuroMarine workshop Management of bioinvasions in the Mediterranean Sea-The
way forward (Ischia, Naples, Italy). In this workshop, I have presented a
poster entitled as “Searching for biological characteristics of benthic
Mediterranean exotic species: extensive gaps in knowledge”. In “Ischia
(, assessed
on 16/03/2017) is stated that: “collect post-introduction information on
bio-ecological features and impacts of NIS”. The above statement mentioned the need
of comparative studies focused on biological characteristics of native and NIS.
The study of biological characteristics of NIS and the “profile” of
benthic Mediterranean invader (submitted paper) were the objectives of my
master thesis. In this scientific literature search, 45 different traits were
collected, regarding life-cycle, biology and ecology of invaders. Among outcomes
of this dissertation are the extensive gaps in knowledge and the variability of
biology and ecology traits that could be beneficial in competition for
resources and space with native Mediterranean species. The underfunding of
proposals regarding biology and ecology is suspending in mitigation of impacts
or suppressing expansion of invasive species. These proposals are cheap from
technical view. The successful completion of my PhD thesis depends on self
funding. That is the main reason that I apply for Leventis’ Foundation
scholarship, in order to cover part of the cost of living.
The contribution of my PhD dissertation is to indicate the unique traits
that favoring invasive species to get established in the possible overlapping
ecological niches. Furthermore, this would be a useful tool towards mitigation
of impacts of invaders in ecosystem. The investigation of the objectives will
include field sampling and laboratory experiments on the comparative study of
biological characteristics of the species.
During my early scientific career I actively participated in several
field samplings, with different research goals and different biological
communities. I also had the opportunity to participate in research projects
involving experimental designs and multiple questions. Indicatively I
participated in mesocosm experiments (HCMR, Crete) and the sampling with R/V
FILIA. My participation in research groups led to my first publication, as
co-author entitled: “A novel mesocosm setup for benthic-pelagic coupling experiments”
(Limnology and Oceanography: Methods, doi :10.1002/lom3.10163).
Experimental ecology is a confined field in Greece. Working on
experimental ecology strengthened after ERASMUS+ traineeship entitled “Experimental
design and experiments in invasion ecology” (GEOMAR, Kiel). During this period
I develop skills in handling invasive species and performing demanding
In my following scientific career, I would like to extend experimental
ecology significantly along with other scientists creating new working groups
between different research institutions of my country and abroad.
Sea regions of study
Mediterranean Sea - Western Basin
Aegean Sea
-sampling design
-outdoor sampling
-performing experiments
-workshop instructor