Job Type
Technical Advice & Consulting
Subject Area
Biological Oceanography, Marine Ecology
Chemical Oceanography
From 2020 to 2022, I have been part of the Oceanography Laboratory of the University of Antofagasta in which I have focused on the area of Biological Oceanography, particularly on the study of phytoplankton blooms in coastal environments. This same year I started my Research Unit in which I developed my thesis called "Factors causing the appearance and disappearance of a phytoplankton bloom in San Jorge Bay (Antofagasta, Chile) during the summer of 2020-2021" which aimed to discern the biological, physical and chemical factors in which a bloom of the genus Prorocentrum developed. Subsequently, I carried out my professional practice to qualify for the title of Marine Biologist in which I participated in various activities carried out in the Oceanography Laboratory.
Nutrient analysis, biomass analysis, microscopic analysis, support in field activities for sampling in the Antofagasta Region for the FONDECYT project No. 1191343 “Increasing upwelling and deoxygenation in Eastern boundary upwelling systems (EBUS): consequences for zooplankton dynamics in Chile”, laboratory organization, equipment maintenance, undergraduate and postgraduate student tesis support