Persistent Digital Identifiers (UIDs)
Job Type
Technical Advice & Consulting
Subject Area
Fisheries, Aquaculture
Policy, Law, Economics, Management
Research Support Services
I act as general coordinator in the environmental education project required by IBAMA in the Federal Environmental Licensing for Oil and Gas under the responsibility of the oil operator BW Energy. The objective of the project is to debate the topic proposed by IBAMA on the ''Reduction in Offshore Oil Production in the Espírito Santo basin, the consequent change in the profile of oil exploration and the impacts associated with this phenomenon''.
The PEA developed by BW Energy meets line of action F which, according to Ibama technical note nº 01/10, must act in ''Support and the establishment of agreements for the shared management of activities in the maritime zone' '. In this context, according to the document, conflicts of use between the various economic activities occurring in the coastal zone must be considered, including: artisanal fishing, industrial fishing, amateur fishing, mariculture, tourism and summer vacations, vessel traffic supporting the oil industry and vessel traffic in general, among others.
The project is currently in the final phase of the socio-environmental characterization stage, a stage that involved the analysis and systematization of data obtained from the bibliographic survey and interviews. The socio-environmental characterization report will serve as an information base for defining the audience and the spatial scope of the project. The study will also guide the next stage, audiovisual production, in which documentaries will be produced on the most important topics. The audiovisual material will be used to hold Cine-Debates and Round Tables. The aim of this stage is to establish a dialogue with the project's public, in order to expand and generate knowledge about the impacts of reducing offshore oil activities in the region. The mentoring of the characterization study was guided by the professor. Tatiana Walter (FURG).
Youth work
Microsoft Office
Project planning
Event planning
Project management
Strategic planning
Scientific writing
Creative writing
I have a bachelor's degree in Biological Sciences, with an emphasis on Marine Biology (UFF), a master's degree in Environmental Science from the Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Program in Environmental Science (UFF) and a PhD from the Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Program in Social Policies (UENF). I have a specialization in Epistemologies of the South from the Center for Social Studies-CES Coimbra-CLACSO-FLACSO Brasil. I participated in the execution of Environmental Education Programs (PEA) within the scope of Oil and Gas Licensing, aimed at artisanal fishing communities in the Campos Basin. In this context, I collaborated in the planning and preparation of teaching materials and in the execution of courses on Environmental Licensing, Solidarity Economy, Basic and Advanced Digital Literacy, Cooperativism, among others. I have experience and interest in Critical Environmental Education, Traditional Populations, Conflict Mediation, Southern Epistemologies, Non-Extractive Methodologies, Environmental Education Projects, Knowledge Ecology, Public Policies for the Coastal and Marine environment and in the territorialization of SDG sustainable development objectives proposed in the 2030 agenda by the UN. I currently work in the general coordination of the environmental education project required by IBAMA in the Federal Environmental Licensing for Oil and Gas under the responsibility of the oil operator BW Energy. The PEA developed by BW Energy meets line of action F which, according to Ibama technical note nº 01/10, must act in ''Support and the establishment of agreements for the shared management of activities in the maritime zone' '.