Job Type
Data Management
Natural Resource Management
Decision Making & Policy
Technical Advice & Consulting
Subject Area
Biological Oceanography, Marine Ecology
Chemical Oceanography
Climatology, Meteorology
Emergency Management
Fisheries, Aquaculture
Marine and Coastal Engineering
Marine Geology, Geophysics
Physical Oceanography
-location of fish banks
-Satellite-based meteorological and climatological research
-Hydrographic, hydrological and hydrogeological research
-Marine and coastal cartography
-Coastal Algorithms
-Marine Geologic research
-Web mapping and Flood Modeling
Within the scope of my previous experiences, both professional and academic I developed skills in:
-Web Mapping
-Building Information Modeling
-Computer programming with: Mat lab, python And R
-GIS and Remote Sensing with (Leicageo office, ERDAS Imagine, SNAP, BIM, Rockworks, ENVI, IDRISI, ArcGIS, pix4D,ecognition Developer, Geomatica, Google Earth Engine, Qgis, Mapit, DSAS,) and their applications in:
+Oceanography research
+Satellite based meteorology and climatology
+ mineral exploration
+Town Planning and Territory Development.
-GIS data processing, analyses as well as map works.
-Statistical data processing and analyses with SPSS statistics And Excel
-GIS database development and management. (Postgres SQL and ACCESS)
-Survey and Geodetic Data collection with GNSS Leica and Trimble equipment.
- Geophysical prospecting (geotechnical and hydrogeological applications)
-GIS Project planning and Management
I am a Space observation Expert specialised in GIS and Remote Sensing and an oceanography researcher. I am fun of innovation and not afraid of challenges.I'm able to turn good ideas into plans that can deliver results in both the short and long term. I'm a good team player, eager to learn from others to grow myself rapidly and value the contributions of others. Have worked with several institutions and successfully implemented both strategic and technical ideas for highly rewarding solutions. Working in a fully dedicated and result-focused team has always been a great pleasure for me.