Job Type
Natural Resource Management
Technical Advice & Consulting
Subject Area
Policy, Law, Economics, Management
Research Support Services
I work as an environmental consultant in the Balkans. My main professional areas are environment in rural settings and rural development. Next to that, I occasionally work for the FAO and UNDP on the topics of Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction and Management.
Next to that, I am member of the Ecosystem Services Partnership (ESP:, a global network of researchers, Universities, conservation organizations, practitioners, etc. dedicated to the advancement of the concept of ecosystem services in research, policy making, application and management. I am one of the leads of the ESP's Regional Chapter South East Europe and I am a member of the ESP Steering Committee. I am also on board of their various scientific committees of their world and European conferences. I am a member of the ESP Marine and Mediterranean Working Groups and contributed to various of these WG publications. It is within my capacities of being part of the ESP that I have joined OceanExpert. For more information, please see the ESP SEE Researchgate project that I am managing at: am also a member of GEO-BON and the MBON working groups.
Sea regions of study
Mediterranean Sea - Eastern Basin
Black Sea
Adriatic Sea
Ionian Sea
Aegean Sea
Environmental System Analysis;
Environmental Impact Assessment;
Integrated Ecosystem Assessment
Mapping and Assessment of Ecosystems and their Services;
Capacity building and knowledge transfer;
Rural Development;
Disaster Risk Reduction and Management;
Remote Sensing and Earth Observation;
Geographic Information Systems (GIS);
Information Analysis and System Design.
My areas of interest and occupation are both terrestrial and aquatic. While I work in the area of terrestrial environmental issues, I also focus on Marine and Coastal Ecosystem Services (MCES). My main interest is actually in ecosystem services and specifically how the concept of ecosystem services can contribute to better and more equal management and use of natural resources in the Balkans. I am especially interested how remote sensing data can help to contribute to this.