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ResearcherID :
Highest Degree
PhD in Physical oceanography
EARLY CAREER RESEARCHER: Research and analysis in physical and biogeochemical oceanography with a focus on oceanographic data processing, analysis of coastal upwelling dynamics based on coupled modelling approaches to assess the impact of nutrient and chlorophyll enrichment and climate variability on the Congolese upwelling system.
Physical and Biogeochemical Oceanography: Analysis of coastal
upwelling systems (with a focus on the Gulf of Guinea and the
Congolese upwelling system), ocean-atmosphere interactions, and the impact of climate variability on marine ecosystems.
Data Processing: Advanced analysis of oceanographic data (in situ and
satellite) using MATLAB and Python (intermediate level);
Development of algorithms for automatic correction of surface
salinity data (TSG, ARGO).
Numerical Simulation: Expertise in coupled physical and
biogeochemical models (NEMO-PISCES);
Analysis of dynamic interactions
between physical and biogeochemical processes in coastal systems.
Applied Research: Integration of in situ and satellite observations
with modeling techniques to investigate oceanographic processes;
Application of research findings to support local economic
activities, such as fisheries, through improved understanding of upwelling impacts.
My research interests focus on physical and biogeochemical coupling in coastal ocean. Specifically, my research examines physical-biogeochemical interactions in coastal upwelling systems and their climate variability in the Gulf of Guinea, with a focus on the Congolese upwelling system and its interaction with the Congo River. My research investigates the physical oceanic conditions and processes, their responses to climate variability and change, and their impacts on coastal marine ecosystems. I employ a comprehensive and data-driven approach, utilizing numerical ocean models, satellite observations, and in situ measurements to ensure accuracy and reliability.