Subject Area
Marine and Coastal Engineering
In the national institute of Africulture Fisheries and Environment, we work as research engineer and we use ecology geograpchic tools for protecting environment. My first job here is to make costal profile and use my knoxledge for protect the costal environment
I have get a bachlor of sciences of the Earth and Environment and after a master of Sedimentary Environment in Universty of Dakar (Cheikh Anta Diop) .My master's thesis was about oceanographic i have studied an arctificial beach in Senegal . We have also classes about chemical and physical oceanographic .
As a young marine geologist and
environmentalist, i would like to integrate the workshop and perform my knowledge
about ocean proctection by using setellite data. In my contry,the concept of system geographic information is not explored however it cans help people take
protect measures incase of emergency. I am working at the National Institute of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Environment
(INRAPE). I believe that attending this
workshop will give me more experiences and necessary skills in order to help
the institute in resolving problems related to climate change by using informatic data.