Since my graduation I have mostly researched
coastal erosion. Now, my doctorate thesis subject is to evaluate the role of
coral reefs as a natural protection against coastal hazards. Beside it, I
intend to evaluate other relevant ecosystem services provided by the reefs to
the local community of Pernambuco state, at Brazilian northeast. Some of
the most relevant experiences of my academic career:
Scholarship at the Bournemouth University, working with coastal morphology
process, 2017.
Summer School Integrating Ecosystems in Coastal
Engineering Practice (INECEP), September 18 –29, 2017 Puerto Morelos, Mexico
Member of
the production work: “Valuation of environmental services applied to coastal
vulnerability (VALSA)". Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE) and
Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), since 2016.
Member of the research time of the Laboratory Integrated Coastal Zone
Management, at the Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE), since 2016.
Master in Oceanography in 2015 by Federal
University of Pernambuco.
Member of the research time of the Laboratory of
Marine Geology, at the Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE), since 2013.
Member of the project "Identification and Mapping of the
Environmental Vulnerability of the Coastal Zone of Pernambuco". Developed
by the Federal University of Pernambuco together with the National Fund on
Climate Change (Climate Fund), 2013-2016.
Scholarship at the Braunschweig University of
Technology, performing large-scale experiments on tsunami bore-induced boulder
transport, 2015.
Member of the production work: "Determination
of High Water Mark (HWM) of Pernambuco, Brazil”. Federal University of
Pernambuco (UFPE) and Secretariat of Environment and Sustainability (SEMAS),
Scholarship at the National Autonomous University
of Mexico, working with coastal vulnerability through satellite images, 2014.
Summer School Coastal Erosion and Management for Safer Coasts in a
Changing Climate. Organized by the University of Braunschweig, lasting 96
hours, in September 2013.
Bachelor in Oceanography in 2013 by Federal University of Rio Grande.
Scholarship holder of scientific initiation in the Geological
Oceanography laboratory, focusing on coastal management, at the Federal
University of Rio Grande (FURG), 2011-2013.
Research intern at the laboratory of Marine
Geology, Federal University of Rio Grande (FURG), 2011-2013.
holder for scientific initiation in the Geological Oceanography laboratory,
focusing on marine geochemistry, at the Federal University of Rio Grande
(FURG), 2010-2011
Member of the production work: "Letter of
Environmental Sensitivity to Oil Spill (Letters ARE)" at Pelotas Basin,
Brazil. Federal University of Rio Grande (FURG) and Environment Ministry of
Brazil, 2012.
Internship at Environmental Department of Rio
Grande Port, 2012.