Subject Area
Marine and Coastal Engineering
Teacher (Assistant / Monitor) at the School of Marine and Coastal Sciences, for 2 Years (Physical Oceanography, Water Quality and Environmental Sanitation, Marine Optics and Remote Sensing, Marine Acoustics) at Eduardo Mondlane University.
Trainee for 2 months in the Technical Department of the National Institute of Meteorology in Quelimane, Zambézia.
Participation in USAID's Coastal Cities Adaptation to Climate Change program in Quelimane.
Author of the Work "Mapping of Flooded Areas by the tide for the aid of Mangal Reforestation in Icidua, Quelimane. 2018 ".
Microsoft Office Excel;
Microsoft Office Word;
Microsoft Office Acess;
Microsoft Office Power-Point;
ArcGiS (Arc Map, Arc Scene);
Working language(s)
Local Languages (Bantu)
I possess Ease of learning and improvement, Skills of working in team,
Ability to work under pressure, Information Technology and Communication, Huge organization skills, Data analysis and interpretation. I would still like to increase my skills by doing the Geospatial Techniques for Coastal mapping and Monitoring course using QGIS.