Job Type
Data Management
Operational Support (technical)
Technical Advice & Consulting
Subject Area
Climatology, Meteorology
Marine and Coastal Engineering
1971 - 1982 Navigating Officer on oil/ chemical tankers, bulk carriers and gas carriers trading world-wide.
1984 - 1991 Secretariat to technical committees overseeing the International, UK and offshore interests of shipping companies and associations. Work involved representation at meetings of the International Maritime Organisation, the UK Department of Transport and various industry organisations.
1992 - 1998 Nautical Surveyor responsible for the statutory survey and approval of the life-saving, fire-protection and stability arrangements of ships for compliance with international (SOLAS) and national requirements.
2003 - 2017 Manager of the UK Voluntary Observing Fleet of >300 ships and an associated network of meteorological data buoys both around the UK and world-wide. In addition to WMO participation also attended regular meetings with with government agencies and industry organisations. Actively involved in JCOMM SOT and associated Task Teams.
Chaired VOS Climate Project, SOT-VOS Panel, SOT-ASAP Panel, E-ASAP Expert Team and E-SURFMAR VOS Expert Team and various SOT Task Teams (including satellite communications, Recruitment and promotion, Metadata etc)
Marine Navigation
Naval Architecture
Marine Observations
Recently retired but undertaking occasional contract work for WMO