The Northwest African upwelling is one of 4 major systems of upwelling around the world. The atmospheric and oceanic circulations associated to this system cause upwelling of deep water rich in nutrients along the coasts. The enrichment of nutrients to surface waters to support a high production Plankton which itself feeds a large small pelagic fish stock. The proposed course fits into a broader framework of research aimed at understanding the biotic and abiotic variability These small pelagic environment and understand how this environment structure these communities of small pelagics in terms of distribution and variability.
Unix, Windows
cdo, NCO, Xfig, Xmgrace, & ferret
C, Fortran, Matlab, octave, scilab,
word, Excel, power point
Indeed, throughout the course of my thesis I am called to manage and deal with oceanographic data. So this training Course will enable me to gain knowledge on the management of essential data for the realization of a good thesis . In addition to my laboratory , the oceanographic campaigns are conducted periodically "You can cite some campaigns," therefore, this training will enable me to have an edge on managing the campaigns data