My responsibility includes monitoring
and management of data reception centre where data from Indian moored buoys are
received from Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea. This data is used by India
Meteorological department and National Disaster Management Authority of India
for promulgation of warnings and alert to the countrymen. In addition, I also
manage the data centre, administrate applications and database servers,
workstations, computers, network switches, reception devices and real time data
reception software.
ยง The data from Indian buoys are shared
through GTS as guided by IOC, WMO and the data from Indian Tsunami Buoy System is
being shared to global community through NDBC-USA.
Analysing the moored buoy data for intraseasonal,inter-seasonal and climate studies.
Sea regions of study
Arabian Sea
Bay of Bengal
Established the Ocean Data Centre at NIOT
Ocean Data dissemination to GTS, IMD and users
Ocean data monitoring and management
Oceanographic data analyzing