Highest Degree
Master of Social work and diploma in HELP(USA)
Disaster Management,Preparedness
Vulnerability Assessment
Capacity building
early warning
Organic farming
I have been working on Disaster preparedness for the past two and half decades establishing task force groups at vulnerable villages to mitigate the effects of disasters. As many as 512 task force groups have been formed so far and capacitated to combat the disaster situations. As many as 96 Vulnerable schools are prepared to to escape the disasters with their child led Disaster risk reduction teams and developed their safety nets to combat the disaster situations (pre,during and post).In recognition of my outstanding efforts in mitigation disaster effects,UNISDR(United nations International Strategy for disaster reduction) has given me SASAKAWA Award for the year 2003/04 and I would like to make a a power point presentation on our best practice in the conference with my co participants if you provide me a chance.Since I am associated with a Voluntary coalition of twenty five organisations working with voluntary contributions,I would request the UNESCO to provide me a scholarship to attend the conference.