Persistent Digital Identifiers (UIDs)
Job Type
Technical Advice & Consulting
Subject Area
Marine and Coastal Engineering
Ambient noise monitoring (natural processes, human impacts, shipping and marine life, Marine Renewable Energy Devices).
Active imaging (marine habitats, Marine Renewable Energies, shipwreck surveys, geohazards)
Acoustic sensors: sidescan sonar, multibeam, sub-bottom profilers, hydrophones, bistatic sonars and multi-angle scattering.
Acoustic propagation (modelling and measurements)
Field and laboratory experiments, including Arctic field experience.
Member of British Standards "Underwater Acoustics"
Author of the Handbook of Seafloor Sonar Imagery- (PRAXIS-Wiley and Sons, 1997), the Handbook of Sidescan Sonar (Springer, 2009), Bathymetry and its applications (2012);
Chartered Geologist; Fellow of the Institute of Acoustics
Sea regions of study
Bristol Channel
English Channel
North Sea
Arctic Ocean
North Atlantic Ocean
North Pacific Ocean
Alboran Sea
Adriatic Sea
Head, Remote Sensing Laboratory
Deputy-Director, Centre for Space, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences