Job Type
Natural Resource Management
Operational Support (technical)
Institutional Management
Extension Services (Public Awareness)
Technical Advice & Consulting
Subject Area
Biological Oceanography
Marine Ecology
- Evaluation of the European Commission’s 1997-2007 support to the ACP Pacific Region (7th to 9th EDF);
- Development of an Environmental Profile and Baseline for Coastal Planning for Chalong Bay, Thailand;
- ICZM Programme Evaluations at regional an country levels;
- Feasibility Study Design ‘Community-based Forestry and Mangrove Management on Panay and Negros Islands, Philippines’;
- Reduction of administrative obstacles, and improvement of administrative interaction with Thai ICZM and Fishery Authorities;
- Senior adviser to the German Government to wholly conceptualise, develop and head the National Post-Tsunami Service Desk for Communal Partnerships;
- Monitoring and Evaluation of the response capacity and performance of regional bodies, national authorities as well as NGOs in the tsunami region;
- Coordination of M&E Activities of national and international ICZM and Fishery Management entities and integration of such into a Response Matrix and Mid-term Restoration ‘Master Plan’;
- Developed an international 2-year RECONNECT seminar programme in ICZM and CRM for the European Union;
- Development of School Curricula in Marine Ecology and Coastal Resources Management;
- Analysis of ICZM co-management potential of government ministries, NSA and the Private Sector;
- Development of regional Asian as well as national training modules on the UN (FAO) Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries (CCRF);
- Organisational Structure Development (OSD) of Fishery and CRM Entities in the Philippines;
- Senior Advisory Functions to ‘test-case’ Government Authorities in ICZM;
- Consolidation and establishment of ICZM and Fishery stakeholder associations as well as national and regional co-management schemes with Government Organisations and Institutions;
- Team Leadership: Project SYMCOR ‘Synergetic Management of Coastal Resources’Regional ICZM Project in the Philippine Western Visayas Archipelago (64 international personnel / staff; 850 km coastline; 19 protected areas; 12 national fishing zones);
- Planning and support to the establishing of coastal environmental management systems;
- Responsible Quality Monitor regarding Import regulations of marine products into the EEC;
- Improvement of Product Identification Methods and Customs Clearance Systems;
- Development of integrated multilateral Monitoring and Evaluation Standards for Coastal Benthic Fishery Management as part of an Ecosystem Management Approach
Sea regions of study
South China Sea
Indian Ocean
North Pacific Ocean
South Pacific Ocean
Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) and Fisheries, Technical Assistance, Sector Studies, Project Management, Monitoring & Evaluation,
- >20 years of Professional Experience incl. Project Coordination and Team Leadership
- LT and ST international experience in the Assessment, Evaluation and Management of Coastal Natural Resources in the greater context of Integrated Coastal Zone Management
- LT and ST international experience in Coastal and Regional Fisheries
- LT and ST of experience in M&E of national, regional and international Programmes and Projects in Developing and Transition Countries
- Senior ICZM and Coastal Fishery Advisory Functions to Donor Organisations and Countries as well as to Developing and Transition Countries
- Strong evaluation, analysis and synthesis skills applying up-to-date methodical standards
- ICZM Programme Evaluation at macro-, meso and micro-intervention levels
- Geographic co-operation strategies in ICZM and Coastal Fisheries
- Donor development policies and strategies in the area of external co-operation
- Multi-country evaluation studies of coastal economic sectors/themes
- Regional Expert in Coastal Fishery to FAO RAP
- National Senior Advisory Functions in ICZM Development Cooperation
- ICZM Effect-Monitoring
- Coastal Natural Resources Management NRM
- GIS in ICZM and Fisheries
- Mangrove Reforestation and Management
- Coastal Fishery Management
- Coastal Planning
- Coastal Environmental Conservation
- Coastal Disaster Recovery, Mitigation, Restoration
- Coastal Tourism Development
- Erosion protection, reforestation, slope agriculture)
- Environmental Law, Fishery Law, Coastal Law
- Oceanic Fishery Management
- Coastal Aquaculture
- Coastal and Marine Biodiversity
- Project Cycle Management PCM
- Project Co-management Schemes
- Fishery Economics
- Resource Tenure Improvement RTI
- Organisational Structure Development OSD
- Project and Program Procurement
Selected recent publications (print / TV):
(2005). et al. Ecological and Environmental Underwater Guide to the South-western Coast of Thailand. 68 pp. ISBN 974-9509-98-6. (English, Thai, Chinese, and Japanese editions).
(2004). Coastal Resources Management – Teaching Aids and Educational Activities for Use in Thailand: An interactive teaching tool and integrated 2-year curriculum on ‘General Concepts of Ecology’, ‘Coastal Resources and Humans’, ‘The Mangrove Ecosystem and Humans’, ‘The Coral Reef Ecosystem and Humans’. 450 MB,
(2004). & Shaw, I. Ground Breaking New Initiative in Thailand: The Private Dive Business Sector as a Co-Management Partner in ICZM in Thailand, Scuba Globe Asia Pacific, Vol. 2, No. 3: pp. 56?57.
(2003). Marine Protected Area Management needs Synergy and Co-Management. World Parks Congress WPC 2003, International Union for the Conservation of Nature IUCN, United Nations Environment Programme UNEP, Durban, South Africa 7 to 18 September 2003.
(2003). et al. Community-based Managed Marine Protected Areas in the Philippines. GTZ Technical Series on Policy Advice for Sustainable Fisheries: Lessons Learned Vol. 3. Deutsche Gesellschaft für technische Zusammenarbeit GTZ gGmbH, Eschborn, Germany, 4 pp.
(2003). & Ybañez, M.; Elevera, R. Dagat ko … Project: Siquijor Integrated Management of Coastal Resources. Storybook, 8 pp.
(2002). Small-scale Fisheries Management by Philippine Line Agencies and Local Government Units: Status and Suggestions for Improvements. In: H.E.W. Seilert (ed.): Interactive mechanisms for small-scale fisheries management: Report of the regional expert consultation. FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok, Thailand. FAO-RAP Publication 2002/10, p. 104-111.
(2002). Translation of the Philippine New Fisheries Code (Republic Act RA 8550) into Cebuano, the regional dialect in the Visayas Archipelago of the Philippines. SYMCOR Publication 2002/2, 87 pp.
(2002). Development Projects in Community-based Coastal Resources Management in the Asian Region: Experiences & Lessons learned. Poster and Multimedia Presentation. DED, GTZ, BMZ, BMU. Rio+10 World Summit. Johannesburg, South Africa.
(2002). & Viering, K. Hoffnung für bedrohte Riffe. (Hope for Threatened Reefs.) Berliner Zeitung BZ, Wissenschaft, 30 April 2002.
(2002). & Haage, C. Fishermen's Friend. Chancen. 3/2002, Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau KfW, pp. 14-15.
(2002). In: Roland Knauer. Verhängnisvolle Perfektion: Moderne Fangmethoden und falsche Fischereikonzepte. (Fatal Perfection: Modern Fishing Methods and inappropriate Fishery Concepts.) Bild der Wissenschaft, 11/2002, pp. 36-41.
(2002). Integrated Coastal Zone Management: Regional Small-scale Fisherfolk Symposia. Poster Series Presentation / Proceedings of the Coastal Zone Asia-Pacific Conference, May 12-16,2002, Bangkok, Thailand. Coastal Development Centre, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand.
(2002). Community-based Integrated Coastal Resource Management (CB-ICRM) - Legal Issues and Imperatives. In: W. L. Wiedemeyer (ed.): Proceedings from the 2nd Visayas Fisherfolk Symposium 2001, Dumaguete City, Philippines, DED, GTZ, InWEnt, 1-4 Oct. 2001, 79 pp.
(2001). Community-based Small-scale Fish-Catch Monitoring Program: Data and Basic Analyses. Data, Statistical Tools and Analyses; 72,000 catches in Negros Oriental, Philippines; CD-ROM.
(2001). SYMCOR - the CB-ICZM Project-Framework for Synergistic Management of Coastal Resources: Project Concepts and Methods. Multimedia + TV-Clips, 50 min., CD-ROM.
(2001). A Development Project in Community-Based Integrated Coastal Resource Management (CB-ICRM) in the Philippines - An international Cooperation under Participation of the German Federal Department for the Environment (BMU). Official Table Calendar of the German Government for the year 2002, Berlin, Germany.
(2001). Community-based Integrated Coastal Resource Management (CB-ICRM) - Experiences & Challenges. In: W. L. Wiedemeyer (ed.): Proceedings from the 1st Visayas Fisherfolk Symposium 2000, Dumaguete City, Philippines, DED, GTZ, InWEnt, 9-11 Oct. 2000, 82 pp.
(2000). et al. Entwicklung durch Tourismus (Development through Tourism). Deutscher Entwicklungsdienst DED. 8 pp.
(2000). Synergistic Management of Coastal Resources. Poster: German Federal Ministry of the Environment, Environmental Protection and Nuclear Safety (BMU) and German technical Cooperation Agency (GTZ), Frankfurt, Germany.
(2000). Ecotourism - An Additional Income-Generating Activity as Part of a Development Project of DED in the Philippines. [Ökotourismus als zusätzliche Einnahmequelle in einem Entwicklungshilfeprojekt des DED]. International Tourism Fair ITB 2000, Berlin, Germany, 6 pp.
(2000). & Heup, C. & Latz, C. Der Kampf gegen das Dynamit- und Giftfischen. (The struggle against dynamite fishing and fish poisoning.) Kölnische Rundschau, 11 Sep. 2000.
(2000). The End of Coral Reefs?. With Norddeutscher Rundfunk NDR & ARTE (German and European Public TV-Stations). Germany, France, international, Producer: NDR and ARTE; Running time: 45 minutes.
(2001). The SYMCOR Project Framework: Capacity Building of Coastal Communities for Resource Management. Asia, international, Producer: SYMCOR Project-Framework in cooperation with ABS-CBN, Running time: 55 minutes.