Ninth Session of the IODE Group of Experts on Marine Information Management
17 - 20 September 2007
IOC Project Office for IODEWandelaarkaai 7, 8420 Oostende
Organiser(s) & Staff
By invitation only.
Highlights of the GE-MIM 9 Session, 17-20 September 2007
The Group of Experts on Marine Information Management (GE-MIM) met for its ninth Session at the IOC Project Office for IODE in Oostende, Belgium. These are the highlights of the Session:1- Communications
Communications Within IODE Within the IODE Community Before the GE-MIM 9 Meeting Before this meeting, the GE-MIM Chair sought input and opinions from all MIM NCs, as well as IAMSLIC, on what they saw as the burning issues now & into the future for marine information management. The feedback was very useful and provided clear direction on major issues. In order to give more people opportunities to respond the Group decided to extend the deadline on the survey. GE-MIM will consider these opinions and concerns when further developing the IODE Strategic Plan for Marine Information Management (discussed later in this report). With the IODE Officers Group and Other Groups of Experts GE-MIM discussed the organizational changes made to the IODE, as result of the IODE Review. The Group were enthusiastic about the changes and saw opportunities to better communication and collaboration with other groups and outside agencies. These changes were taken into consideration when issues and priorities were discussed, and the GE-MIM 9 Action was developed. With IODE Data Managers The Group highlighted several areas where marine information management experts can assist with data-related management projects. The IODE Co-Chairs were requested to consider including MIM experts on the new project for the Ocean Data Portal, and for future marine atlas development projects. With National Coordinators for Marine Information Management First of al the Group redefined the Terms of Reference of the IODE National Coordinators for Marine Information Managers, as well as the criteria should be taken into consideration to identify them. The Group stressed the importance of developing strong communication links with all MIM Nation Coordinators. The group decided to develop an ‘induction package’ of resources & materials which would be sent to new NCs. The package will include the following: • Advice to the new NC that an interim record for the NC has been added to OceanExpert, with an invitation to update the entry • Welcome email from the GE-MIM Chair • Links to information about the position of NC (role of NC, benefits of being an NC, selection criteria for selection) • Links to all IODE MIM products with a short description of each product • Copies of relevant posters for NC s use. • Links to useful urls (GEMIM, ODIN regional information) • Name of another NC who may be contacted fro advice, support etc. • A formal certificate from the IODE officially recognising the person as a MIM NC The Group decided to use the existing IODE website groupware software to establish a new communication tool on MIM Knowledge Sharing. This tool will be made available to all MIM NCs & GE-MIM members, so that they have a forum for information/knowledge sharing on MIM tasks and activities. IODE Web Site and Marine Information Management The IODE web site is under a major redevelopment, with a move to a new management system. Group decided there is a need to build MIM resources on IODE web site. A number of decisions were made to expand the MIM pages to include more material which may be useful for National Coordinators, and link the resources together in a more logical way. Building Links with Other Information Management Programs Before the GE-MIM 9 Meeting, the Chair sought comments from the IAMSLIC communication and MIM NCs on what were current concerns and future priorities for marine information management. Many replies suggested that communication with IAMLIC needed to be stronger. GE-MIM 9 then decided to propose that a new MOU be established between the IOC and IAMSLIC. That proposal has been put to the IAMSLIC Executive for their consideration. The Group identified several other international agencies as working in information management. The Group decided to formally approach these agencies to investigate possible collaborations and cooperation on MIM activities. Communications Strategy GE-MIM discussed the importance of good communication with a range of groups and associations, and the relevance of appropriate tools and resources (such as the IODE web site, groupware, wikis, blogs). GE-MIM recognised that good communication needed to be reliable, consistent, and clear. The Group also felt that a statement of a realistic expectation of levels, frequency and types of communication can great assist people. To provide clarity, the Group decided to develop a communications strategy which will bring together all the different elements of communication important to GE-MIM. Once done, this strategy will be widely distributed for information. It will be reviewed at GE-MIM 10. Long Term Strategic Plan Throughout 2007, GE-MIM has been developing a marine information management strategic plan, as an adjunct to the broader IOC Strategic Plan for Data and Information Management (2007-2011). GE-MIM believes this document will provide a clear direction for MIM into the future, strengthen communication within the IODE, and provide priorities for the MIM Program of IODE to focus on. The MIM Communications Strategy(mentioned above) will provide a range of communication options, and so play an important role in the application of the Strategic Plan. The Plan should also become an useful communication tool for GEMIM with regard to other associations such as IAMSLIC. Once done, the Strategic Plan will be distributed to interested stakeholders for comment.2. Capacity Building
ODINS GE-MIM received reports on developments in marine information management aspects of ODINs from the following regions: Africa, Latin America, European Countries in Economic Transition, Indian Ocean, and Western Pacific. The Group congratulated the MIM participants in these activities for their hard work, and success in development many MIM products and services, and raising capacity significantly. More effort will be put into strengthening the MIM components of WestPac, as this network is still in its infancy. The Group also agreed to strengthen networking arrangements in the Pacific Island states by working with and enhancing existing networks in that area. The GE-MIM Chair will continue to work with the Pacific island IOC member states in this regard. OceanTeacher The Group believes that whilst significant progress has been made in recent years, OceanTeacher still needs more content on marine information management. The OceanTeacher Steering Committee will identify a current list of resource gaps, and also undertake a survey of MIM NCs to assess needs and priorities of training requirements. The Group will work hard to encourage all MIM experts to consider providing new material for inclusion into OceanTeacher. Mentoring Programs The Group discussed the value of mentoring programs and internships for marine librarians. The group recommended that some funds be made available in ODIN projects for mentoring & internships. It is hoped that MIM National Coordinators may wish to participate in this beneficial activity. GE-MIM will also approach IAMSLIC to see if there is an interest for a joint approach to this topic. Over the next few months, the Group is going to develop the idea of establishing an IODE MIM mentoring programIODE Marine Information Management Products
IODE Products (OceanTeacher, OceanExpert, OceanPortal, OceanDocs) The Group suggested a large number of amendments be made to the OceanExpert database. Group also suggested changes to OceanPortal and a continuation of staffing support for the editorial work on OP. Developments for OceanTeacher were discussed at length (see comments above) The Group will write to all NCs, and introduce all MIM products which may be useful for them. NCs will also be invited (if interested) to promote or assist in the further development and ongoing maintenance of these products. The Group will also develop a new product designed to go the heads of institutions/agencies. This product will provide information about marine libraries and encourage the establishment of new libraries. E-repositories (OceanDocs) The group decided to establish a Steering Committee for OceanDocs, chaired by Marc Gooevarts. Marc will develop the terms of reference for the committee, and invite the current membership of the OD groupware site and selected experts to participate in the committee. One of the first tasks for the OceanDocs Steering Committee is to liaise with the Aquatic Commons Steering Committee on behalf of GE-MIM. This will assist with defining the role, scope and coverage of both e-repositories in order to ensure their complementarity. Communication will also occur with ASFA in order to decide where bets to place IODE products. The Steering Group will also investigate development of harvesters. Integrated Library Management Systems (ILMS) As the INMAGIC software is no longer being developed by its supplier, ODINAFRICA is reviewing its ILMS requirements with a view to identifying an ILMS product which will provide future benefits. GEMIM established a Working group(chaired by Murari Tapaswi) to develop a current set of selection criteria for integrated library management software. The group will seek input from marine librarians in IOC member states and the wider IAMSLIC community.3. Other Important Issues
Ebsco A to Z During the GE-MIM 9 Meeting, it was confirmed that Ebsco has offered to make the Ebsco AtoZ product for electronic journals management freely available to the IODE ODIN communities. This is a significant achievement for the IODE, and an extremely generous offer by Ebsco. More information on this topic will be available in the next few months. Subject-Related Bibliographies IODE19 requested that GE-MIM undertake the development of a range of subject-based bibliographies on topics such as climate change, and international polar year. GE-MIM will develop a pilot project to address this need, using a range of available information technology tools.
[View an annotated printable version of this agenda]
Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
IOC/IODE-MIM-IX/3 | IODE Group of Experts on Marine Information Management (GE-MIM), Ninth Session, IOC Project Office for IODE, Oostende, Belgium, 17-20 September 2007 | 23/10/2007 |
Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
IOC.IODE/GE-MIM-IX/1 add. | GEMIM-IX: Annotated Agenda | 13/09/2007 |
There are 9 participants associated with Ninth Session of the IODE Group of Experts on Marine Information Management .
Name | Country |
DAVIES Suzanne | Australia |
GOOVAERTS Marc | Belgium |
KEITA Arame | Senegal |
MUNOZ PALMA Patricia Andrea | Chile |
NOBLE Linda | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
TAPASWI Murari | India |
Name | Country |
PIKULA Linda | United States of America |
SIMPSON Pauline | France |
Name | Country |
HASPESLAGH Jan | Belgium |
Participant Stats:
Total Invited: 9
Confirmed: 9
Not confirmed: 0
Unapproved: 0
Not-participating: 0
Rejected: 0
Label(s): IODE Official meeting
Created at 16:35 on 16 Dec 2006 by Wouter Rommens
Last Updated at 11:33 on 23 Oct 2007 by Peter Pissierssens