ICG/IOTWS Regional Seminar and Workshop on Tsunami Risk Assessment and Mitigation for Indian Ocean Countries
ICG/IOTWS Tsunami Risk Assessment Workshop
03 - 09 November 2009
Amari Watergate Hotel
Organiser(s) & Staff
By invitation only.
At the 6th Session of the Intergovernmental Coordination Group (ICG) for the Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System (IOTWS) held in Hyderabad, India, 7-9 April 2009, the ICG adopted the Guidelines for “Tsunami Risk Assessment and Mitigation for the Indian Ocean: Knowing Your Tsunami Risk - and What to Do About it” as prepared by Working Group 3 with the support and cooperation of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Regional Centre in Bangkok (RCB). The Guidelines are also in accordance with the objectives of UNESCO IOC’s COAST MAP IO project, which addresses the need for Indian Ocean countries to develop the tools and capacity to mitigate against ocean-based extreme events. Responding to the need of Member States to build capacity to undertake tsunami risk assessment, UNESCO IOC in collaboration with UNDP RCB is organising a seminar and training workshop on Tsunami Risk Assessment and Mitigation to be held at the Amari Watergate Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand, 3-9 November 2009. The seminar will be conducted over 2 days from 3 to 4 November and will be designed to advise policy and/or decision makers from relevant ministries or agencies responsible for risk assessment at the national level on the key steps required in the process of undertaking risk assessment and its potential impact on achievement of development goals. The seminar will be followed by a training workshop, 5-9 November, aimed at providing hands-on training to technical specialists and emergency managers on the assessment of hazards, vulnerability, capacity and risk and on developing better understanding of risk management.
[View an annotated printable version of this agenda]
Agenda | Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
Agenda | Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
S02_Introduction_Sam | 24/11/2009 |
S02_Introduction_Russell | 24/11/2009 |
S02_Introduction_Sanny | 24/11/2009 |
S04_Vulnerability (B2) | 25/11/2009 |
S05_Deficiencies in Preparedness (B3) | 25/11/2009 |
S06_Risk Assessment (B4) | 25/11/2009 |
S07_Preparedness (C1) | 25/11/2009 |
S09_Science-policy-practice interface | 25/11/2009 |
S10_Seminar Conclusions | 25/11/2009 |
S02_Introduction_Tony | 25/11/2009 |
Agenda | Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
Agenda | Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
IOC Manuals and Guides 50 | ICAM Guidelines | 05/11/2009 |
IOC/2009/MG/52 | Tsunami Risk Assessment and Mitigation for the Indian Ocean: knowing your tsunami risk and what to do about it | 07/02/2014 |
Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
Tsunami Risk Assessment Seminar and Workshop Invitation Letter | 02/09/2009 |
RA Seminar and Workshop Provisional Programme | 02/09/2009 |
RA Workshop Application Form | 02/09/2009 |
Workshop Manual | 24/11/2009 |
There are 40 participants associated with ICG/IOTWS Regional Seminar and Workshop on Tsunami Risk Assessment and Mitigation for Indian Ocean Countries .
Name | Country |
ARTHURTON Russell | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
CUMMINS Phil | Australia |
RAFLIANA Irina | Indonesia |
STRUNZ Guenter | Germany |
VILLAGRÁN DE LEÓN Juan Carlos | Austria |
WEICHSELGARTNER Juergen | Germany |
Name | Country |
DOKEN Yasumitsu | Thailand |
HOMTONG Pairach | Thailand |
JEGILLOS Sanny | Thailand |
MISSAL Rita | Thailand |
SRIMUANG Sarunsiri | Thailand |
TECKLE Nescha | Thailand |
Name | Country |
HAQUE Md. Zahirul | Bangladesh |
OBANAYAK Ravi | India |
HARJADI Prih | Indonesia |
RASHEED Aminath Afrah | Maldives |
Name | Country |
RAMBOLARSON Charles Desire Alexandre | Australia |
DEY SARKER Netai | Bangladesh |
NAVERA Umme Kulsum | Bangladesh |
YADAV Sunder Singh | India |
KUMAR Ujjwal | India |
G.AYYANGAR G.S. | India |
BIN ABBAS Agussabti | Indonesia |
NUGROHO Sindhu | Indonesia |
INOTI Lydiah | Kenya |
MOHAMED Ahmar | Maldives |
MUSLIM Ahmed | Maldives |
MUSTAFA Mussa | Mozambique |
NGWE Tin | Myanmar |
VIELLE Michel | Seychelles |
SENADEERA K.P.G.Wasantha | Sri Lanka |
WIJEWARDANE K.D.D. | Sri Lanka |
PIYASENA K.A. | Sri Lanka |
MALLAWATANTRI Ananda | Sri Lanka |
SNIDVONGS Anond | Thailand |
ARUNOTAI Narumon | Thailand |
JITPRAPHAI Somrudee | Thailand |
ROUTRAY Jayant | Thailand |
MBUYA Samwel | United Republic of Tanzania |
Participant Stats:
Total Invited: 40
Confirmed: 40
Not confirmed: 0
Unapproved: 0
Not-participating: 0
Rejected: 0
Label(s): no labels
Created at 10:17 on 26 Aug 2009 by Jane Cunneen
Last Updated at 08:33 on 10 Apr 2012 by Jane Cunneen