IOC Training Course and Identification Qualification in Harmful Marine Microalgae 2024 – ‘Brush-up’
Training Course
01 July - 20 September 2024
IOC Science and Communication Centre on Harmful Algae, University of Copenhagen
University of Copenhagen, Department of Biology
DK-1353 København K
Organiser(s) & Staff
Attendance by application.
Since 1993 the IOC has conducted training courses on harmful microalgae. In its present format, the course gives accreditation in HAB identification through a practical exam at the end of the course, which qualifies, for the IOC Certificate of Proficiency in Identification of Harmful Algae.
With more than 25 years of training courses, we have been called on to organize a ‘brush-up’ course aimed at participants who have previously attended IOC courses or long-term experienced HAB analysts. Several persons have now indicated their interest in such a ‘brush-up’ course, and the IOC Science and Communication Centre on Harmful Algae is planning to organize a 5-day course in 2024.
Course description: The course includes 60 hours of teaching and is divided into two parts. 1) The first part of the course is an internet teaching programme on the Ocean Teacher platform with up-dated information on recent advances and developments in taxonomy of HAB species. This part of the course is mainly for self-study and estimated to 30 hours of reading. 2) The second part is a practical course in species identification, which includes 30 hours of teaching and a microscope will be available to each participant during the entire period. An exam qualifying for the ‘IOC Certificate of Proficiency in Identification of Harmful Algae’ will be organized on demand at the end of the course, and participation in this exam is optional.
Participants: The number of participants is limited to 16 persons, first come – first served. In case of sufficient interest, we may duplicate the course later in the year (December).
Registration. There will be no applications procedure, but registration directly to Jacob Larsen – with copy to Henrik Enevoldsen – The registration will be open from 19 February – 31 March 2024 (extended to 12 April 2024). When you register, please, indicate whether you want to participate in the exam, see programme below.
Dates: Part 1 will be available on the ‘International Oceanographic Data Exchange’ (IODE) teaching platform ‘OceanTeacher’ from 1 July onwards; part 2 takes place in Denmark from 15-20 September 2024.
Venue: IOC Science and Communication Centre on Harmful Algae, Department of Biology, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, c/o Danhostel, Lejrskolevej 4, 3400 Hillerød. Check-in on Sunday, 15 September from 16.00, and check-out on Saturday, 20 September before 10.00.
Language: English.
Course lecturers:
Enquiries may be sent to Jacob Larsen,
Price: The course is organized on a cost-recovery basis. The price of the course is 2400 EUR and it is a package deal, which covers all expenses during the course period (but not travel expenses). You will receive an invoice from the financial administration of the University of Copenhagen shortly after the deadline for registrations. Please, include all relevant information to appear on the invoice when you register including name of institution, full address, VAT number or business/registration number of your institution, purchase order (PO order), and other information required by the administration of your institution.
For participants who want the exam on Saturday (see programme below), it will be possible to book an extra night at the course venue. The price for the extra night is 600 DKK (ca. 82 EUR). This is not included in the price of the course and will have to be paid directly to the Danhostel. The price for the extra night does not include lunch and dinner on Saturday, but breakfast on Sunday morning. Checkout on Sunday before 10 am.
The price of the course is 2400 EUR and includes
- Accommodation, arriving to the course venue on 15 September, check-in from 16.00, and check-out on 20 September before 10.00
- All meals during the course, starting with an evening meal upon arrival on 15 Oct. and finishing with breakfast on 20 September
- Access to the distant learning programme on Ocean Teacher which will be available on 1 July onwards
- Teaching material including hard copies or pdf-versions of the following books which will be distributed during the practical part of the course to participants who do not already have these publications:
o Hoppenrath, M., Chomérat, N., Horiguchi, T., Murray, S.A. & Rhodes, L. 2023. Marine benthic dinoflagellates – their relevance for science and society (2nd, revised edition). - Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung, Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Senckenberg Buch vol. 88, 376 pp.
o Lassus, P., Chomérat, N., Hess, P. & Nézan, E. 2016. Toxic and Harmful Microalgae of the World Ocean. – Denmark. International Society for the Study of Harmful Algae / Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of Unesco. IOC Manuals and Guides 68, 523 pp. (hard copy)
o Karlson, B., Cusack, C. & Bresnan, E. (eds). 2010. Microscopic and molecular methods fro quantitative phytoplankton analysis. – IOC Manuals and Guides 55, Paris, Unesco, 110 pp. (pdf-version)
o Larsen, J. & Nguyen, N.L. (eds). 2004. Potentially toxic microalgae of Vietnamese waters. – Opera Bot. 140: 5-216 (pdf-version)
o Reguera, B., Alonso, R., Moreira, A., Méndez, S., Dechraoui-Bottein, M.-Y. (eds). 2016. Guide for designing and implementing a plan to monotor toxin-producing microalge. 2nd ed. – IOC Gudies and Manuals 59, Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of Unesco and International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Paris and Vienna, 66 pp. (pdf-version)
o Copies of all lectures given during the course
- Use of facilities, microscopes, samples, and cultures
- Tuition during the practical part of the course
Tentative course programme
Sunday 15 Sept 2024
Arrival to the course venue, Danhoster, Lejrskolevej 4, 3400 Hillerød
Monday 16 Sept 2024
Morning (9-12): Welcome address, Lecture:Biologogy of hermful algae - introductions by the participants(15 min)
Afternoon (13.30-17): Lecture and microscope demonstration: harmful rephidophytes, dictyochophytes and haptophytes - Lecture and microscope demonstration:introduction by the participants (15 min)
Tuesday 17 Sept 2024
Morning (9-12): Lecture and microscope demonstration: Prorocentrum
Afternoon (13.30-17): Lecture and microscope demonstration: Dinophysis/Phalacroma
Wednesday 18 Sept 2024
Morning (9-12): Lecture and microscope demonstration: Gonyaulacales
Afternoon (13.30-17): Lecture and microscope demonstration, continued: Gonyaulacales (incl bHABs Gambierdiscus, Ostreopsis, Coolia)
Thursday 19 Sept 2024
Morning (9-12): Lecture and microscope demonstration: Gonyaulacales :alexandrium
Afternoon (13.30-17): Lecture and microscope demonstration: Perdidiniales, unarmoured dinoflagellates
Friday 20 Sept 2024
Morning (9-12): Lecture and microscope demonstration: Pseudonitzschia
Afternoon (13.30-17): Own samples/ mixed smaples
Saturday 21 Sept 2024
Check-out, before 10 am - Optional, 3-hour exam, 9.00-12.00
[View an annotated printable version of this agenda]
There are 40 participants associated with IOC Training Course and Identification Qualification in Harmful Marine Microalgae 2024 – ‘Brush-up’ , 40 of whom are provisional .
Participant Stats:
Total Invited: 40
Confirmed: 0
Not confirmed: 40
Unapproved: 0
Not-participating: 0
Rejected: 0
Label(s): no labels
Created at 09:01 on 22 Feb 2024 by Sofie de Baenst
Last Updated at 16:28 on 13 Aug 2024 by Sofie de Baenst