26th Session of the Ocean Observation Physics and Climate panel (OOPC). 26-30 June, Bonn
26 - 30 June 2023
Organiser(s) & Staff
By invitation only.
In its 26th edition, OOPC will meet to start making progress on: (1) GCOS Implementation Plan, (2) Actions related to GOOS Strategic Objectives and GOOS Roadmap and (3) to discuss with CLIVAR areas of common work. OOPC will start drafting its 2024-2028 Workplan too.
The OOPC-26 Agenda and other related documents can be found here:
OOPC meeting will be held back to back with the second GCOS Joint Panel Meeting.
All the documents related to the Joint Panel Meeting can be found on GCOS dedicated website
[View an annotated printable version of this agenda]
There are 22 participants associated with OOPC-26 .
Name | Country |
CHENG Lijing | China |
CHIDICHIMO Maria Paz | Argentina |
CRONIN Meghan | United States of America |
ESPEJO Antonio | Fiji |
HESLOP Emma | France |
LEE Tony | United States of America |
LEGLER David | United States of America |
LUMPKIN Rick | United States of America |
MCPHADEN Michael | United States of America |
MORRIS Tamaryn | South Africa |
OKA Eitarou | Japan |
OKE Peter | Australia |
PALANISAMY Hindumathi | Switzerland |
RABE Benjamin | Germany |
SCHROEDER Katrin | Italy |
SPARROW Mchael | Switzerland |
SPEICH Sabrina | France |
TYACK Peter | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
VON SCHUCKMANN Karina | France |
YU Weidong | China |
ZINKANN Ann-Christine | United States of America |
ZUO Hao | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
Participant Stats:
Total Invited: 22
Confirmed: 22
Not confirmed: 0
Unapproved: 0
Not-participating: 0
Rejected: 0
Label(s): no labels
Created at 19:11 on 20 Jun 2023 by Belen Martin Miguez
Last Updated at 13:14 on 03 Jul 2023 by Belen Martin Miguez