Ocean Model Configuration for OFS Implementation [online]
IOC/OTGA/RTC Indonesia
Training Course
26 June - 10 July 2023
P.O. Box 3540 Jkt.
DKI Jakarta
Organiser(s) & Staff
Attendance by application.
Course description:
Ocean model is a representation of a numerical mathematical equation of the ocean and its interaction with atmosphere and land. The ocean model in Maritime Continent aims to capture the complex interaction between ocean and atmosphere in this region, therefore configuring an ocean model for certain area needs to specify specific domain, type of the equation and numerical methods used, the parameterization of subgrid scale processes and forcing data used to drive the model, such as atmospheric data and boundary condition.
One of the most commonly used ocean models is the three-dimensional numerical model, which divides the ocean into a grid of cells and uses mathematical equations to simulate the physical processes within each cell. The model is initialized by ocean currents, temperature, and salinity data, and other variables, and run over a period of time, typically several years, to simulate the evolution of the ocean under different conditions.
Among those models existed, BMKG had developed the BMKG Ocean Forecast System (BMKG-OFS) as one of Meteo-Oceanography modelling systems used to support prediction and information about waves, ocean currents, salinity and sea temperature for the communities. Development of BMKG OFS is an attempt to fulfill community needs in various sectors such as sea transportations, fisheries, mining and energy, marine-related activities.
BMKG OFS consist of 3 primary components: Ocean Wave Model, Ocean Circulation Model, and Drifting model. Ocean Wave Model named Ina-Waves used to support sea waves information. Ocean Circulation Model named Ina-Flows, used to support current, salinity and sea temperature information at every depth. The drifting model is used to support object trajectory, sea level and coastal flood information.
This training will provide participants with a basic knowledge on ocean modelling in terms of marine warning and forecast. The way that ocean numerical modelling systems developed by BMKG support operational analysis and forecast of ocean parameters (waves, ocean currents, sea temperature, salinity, and sea water level ) will be also discussed. The processing and visualization met-ocean data set from BMKG-OFS using open source applications will be discussed briefly as supporting tool for data observation in the provision of marine meteorology services.
Learning outcomes:
- Describe the basic concept to Ocean Observation System in Maritime Continent
- Explain numerical ocean model and its configuration
- Apply the ocean model configuration
- Apply the processing and post-processing steps for the Ocean Forecast System tools and data preparation using Delft3D model
Target audience:
- Meteorologists
- Oceanographers
- Researchers
- Marine Data Analysts
- Marine Forecasters (who has the daily tasks and responsibilities for ocean/ coastal modeling)
Language of instruction: English
Instructors/Trainers: (alphabetical order)
Course duration and format:
60 hours (online) over a two week period. An additional week is allowed for participants to complete the course.
The course consists of the following formats but is not limited to:
- Lectures :
- Asynchronous sessions (using recording and tutorial video, reading, discussion forum)
- Synchronous sessions (webinar using Zoom Meeting Application, including breakout room activities for group activities)
- Discussion (synchronous and asynchronous via forum)
- Practice Exercises
- Case studies
- Manuals and Tutorials
- Games and Quizzes
- Demonstrations
- Project presentations
- Coaching
Learning assessment:
Assessment methods include:
- Self-assessment
- Pre-test and post-test
- Meaningful contributions to the discussions (Synchronous and asynchronous)
- Case studies
- Good working knowledge of English
- Familiar with basic oceanographic data
- Familiar with MATLAB/ Python and some related experiences in programming, will be an advantage
- Must have a computer, with specifications:
- Windows or Linux PC (The training will be conducted in windows platform)
- Minimum MATLAB version are Matlab R2019a or above
- Beginners will be given priority in this course
Application process:
the number of learners will be limited to 70 and state that not all applications will be selected (in case we receive more then 70 applications).
Please complete the online application form available on https://otga.wufoo.com/forms/zz5aixt08egn9k/
You can apply from 15 May 2023 until 9 June 2023 (23:59 CEST: Central European Summer Time).
UNESCO is committed to promote equal access principles. Applications from minority or underrepresented groups are strongly encouraged.
For any questions please contact the OTGA Secretariat (ioc.training@unesco.org) always using the name of the course as email subject.
Costs: no tuition fee
Certificate: Certificate will be issued for participants who attempt the pre-test, post-test, submit the assignment, and complete the evaluation form. At the conclusion of the course you will be asked to complete the post-course feedback survey to rate how the course has met your expectations.
Cancellation policy:
In the event of cancellation of the course by the OTGA or its affiliates, we will provide notification of cancellation at least 7 days prior to the course date. In the event of cancellation by the attendee, we should receive notification of cancellation at least 7 days prior to the course date.
[View an annotated printable version of this agenda]
There are 83 participants associated with Ocean Model Configuration for OFS Implementation [online] .
Name | Country |
ADIPRABOWO Samuel | Indonesia |
ALFAHMI, M.SI Furqon | Indonesia |
AMRINA Dava | Indonesia |
GEONOVA Muhamad | Indonesia |
LUBIANASHARI Adji Syarifah | Indonesia |
NURHAYATI Noer | Indonesia |
PRAYUGO Hendri | Indonesia |
RAMDHANI Andri | Indonesia |
RIAMA Nelly | Indonesia |
SUPRIYADI eko | Indonesia |
Participant Stats:
Total Invited: 83
Confirmed: 83
Not confirmed: 0
Unapproved: 0
Not-participating: 0
Rejected: 0
Label(s): OceanTeacher Training course
Created at 07:08 on 09 May 2023 by Greg Reed
Last Updated at 03:19 on 21 Jul 2023 by Greg Reed