IOC/MAB consultation workshop for Indonesia
15 - 16 December 2022
Organiser(s) & Staff
By invitation only.
The Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO (IOC/UNESCO) and the Man and Biosphere programme (MAB) of UNESCO have developped a joint initiative (IOC/MAB) to build resilience and preparedness to coastal hazards and climate change in Biosphere Reserves. Specifically, a draft proposal is being prepared for select Biosphere Reserves in Indonesia to be included in the process based on risks and vulnerabilities of populations.
This workshop will provide the opportunity to bring to the table key Indonesian national stakeholders that will be involved in project implementation. These key stakeholder will have the opportunity to share insights, suggestions, and recommendations on all aspects of the proposed project, including the local context, project components, project implementation strategy and next steps. As such, this workshop will enable leveraging of local and national knowledge and tailoring of the IOC/MAB Joint Initiative approach to specific country and Biosphere Reserve contexts, needs and priorities.
The workshop will be run in collaboration with UNESCO Jakarta Office. The workshop will be held in hybrid format, with national participants involved in-person and UNESCO Headquarters participants joining virtually.
[View an annotated printable version of this agenda]
Agenda | Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
Agenda | Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
ToRs for the IOC/MAB consultation workshop with Indonesia | 16/12/2022 |
Background information: IOC, MAB and Biosphere Reserves in Indonesia | 16/12/2022 |
There are 0 participants associated with IOC/MAB consultation workshop for Indonesia .
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Created at 11:09 on 14 Dec 2022 by Celine TIFFAY
Last Updated at 17:08 on 16 Dec 2022 by Celine TIFFAY