OTGA/INIOAS: Remote Sensing of Coral Reefs
Training Course
20 - 23 October 2019
Iranian National Institute for Oceanography and Atmospheric Science
No.3 Etemad Zadeh St.
Organiser(s) & Staff
Attendance by application.
The course provides an introduction to the capabilities of the Remote Sensing for the coral reefs mapping. This includes practices in processing of high spatial resolution remotely sensed data for mapping the nearshore coral reef communities. After the workshop, the trainees will be able to select the most appropriate satellite data in case, and to conduct required image processes on satellite image, as well as to produce final coral maps in GIS software.
Aims and Objectives
- Overview the principals of the developed methods for mapping the coral reefs using satellite images.
- Learning how to select the optimum satellite image in case, regarding to study area, budget, and geometry of the corals.
- Implementing the satellite image processes in practice using an image processing software to generate classified benthic habitats map from raw satellite image.
- Visualizing the final thematic map from the benthic habitats in a GIS software.
Learning Outcomes
- Understanding the principals of image processing
- Being able to use satellite image processing software(s) to perform required analysis on raw images
- Having knowledge about the different coral reefs (types and geometry)
- Knowing which method is optimum to implement the image classification for coral reefs mapping.
- Being able to visualize classified benthic habitats in a GIS software.
Target Audience
Marine researchers, PhD students and scientists working in topics related to corals reefs and other benthic habitats
NOTE: priority will be given to participants originating from the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman region/countries (ROPME member states). UNESCO is committed to promote gender equality: applications from women are strongly encouraged.
Course Pre-requisites:
- Candidates should have a background knowledge on coastal habitats and specifically coral reef ecosystems.
- Working knowledge of English
- Participants need to bring their own laptop.
A certificate of participation will be issued to all successful students (90% attendance to the classroom course mandatory).
- Dr. Keivan Kabiri (INIOAS)
- Dr. Kaveh Samimi-Namin (Oxford University)
- Dr. Hamid Rezai (Darya Negar Pars consulting company, Iran)
Dr. Abdolvahab Maghsoudlou (INIOAS)
Course Topics
- An introduction to principals of Remote Sensing
- Introduction to satellite images
- Introduction to benthic habitats and coral reefs
- Introduction to map projections and datums
- Use of in image processing software to import and analyze the raw satellite image
- Producing classified maps and accuracy assessment the results
- Visualizing final results as a thematic map in a GIS software
- Introduction to OBIS and access and contribution to coral reef data on OBIS
Duration: 4 working days (~ 25 hours classroom sessions, plus eventual online assignments)
Period for Applications: 29 May – 21 June 2019
Application process: please fill in the online application form on
https://otga.wufoo.com/forms/w1c2ko230i05v0h/ or https://bit.ly/2K68F2A
Only for those who cannot access the online application form: please download the OTGA Application Form 2019 INIOAS xls form available at the bottom of this page under Other Documents and fill it in (please check the PDF version for any clarification). Save the file as 'Name Surname.xls' and send it by email to the OTGA Secretariat (see details below).
For more detailed information on how to apply please check http://bit.ly/2ACZY9r
No tuition fee applies. A limited number of fellowships is available.
- OTGA Iran Regional Training Centre: Keivan Kabiri (Kabiri@inio.ac.ir)
- OTGA Secretariat: ioc.training@unesco.org
always using as email subject: OTGA/INIOAS Training Course: Remote Sensing of Coral Reefs, 1- 4 September, 2019, Tehran, Iran
[View an annotated printable version of this agenda]
Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
OTGA Application Form 2019 INIOAS Remote Sensing Coral Reefs 1-4Sep19 | 04/06/2019 |
20190529_OTGA INIOAS Course_Flyer_Remote Sensing Corals FINAL Sept2019 | 04/06/2019 |
INIOAS 2019 OTGA Application Form OFFLINE | 24/06/2019 |
There are 21 participants associated with OTGA/INIOAS: Remote Sensing of Coral Reefs .
Name | Country |
KABIRI Keivan | Iran (Islamic Republic of) |
MAGHSOUDLOU Abdolvahab | Iran (Islamic Republic of) |
REZAI Hamid | Iran (Islamic Republic of) |
Name | Country |
KUMAR H. Shiva | India |
AHMED Yasmeen | Pakistan |
AMINI Nafise | Iran (Islamic Republic of) |
AVADOOTHA Shivakrishna | India |
BATENI Fatemeh | Iran (Islamic Republic of) |
BOYAR MeriƧ | TĆ¼rkiye |
GHOLAMIPOUR Sara | Iran (Islamic Republic of) |
HAIDER Syed | Pakistan |
ISHAQ Saira | Pakistan |
JALILI Mahshid | Iran (Islamic Republic of) |
KHOROUSHI negin | Iran (Islamic Republic of) |
KK Basheer | Indonesia |
MASHAYEKHI Zahra | Iran (Islamic Republic of) |
MORI Winiel | United Republic of Tanzania |
NGOSHA Mussa | United Republic of Tanzania |
OLADI Mahshid | Iran (Islamic Republic of) |
POURJOMEH Fatemeh | Iran (Islamic Republic of) |
SHADI Ramin | Iran (Islamic Republic of) |
Name | Country |
EBRAHIMNEZHAD Saeed | Russian Federation |
HAKIMELAHI Maryam | Iran (Islamic Republic of) |
PEREIRA Bruno | Brazil |
= Person has declined to participate or had their request to participate declined.
= Person had their request to participate declined.
Participant Stats:
Total Invited: 24
Confirmed: 21
Not confirmed: 0
Unapproved: 0
Not-participating: 2
Rejected: 1
Label(s): IOC Capacity Development Training course , IODE Training course , OBIS Training course , OceanTeacher Training course
Created at 13:36 on 30 Apr 2019 by ClƔudia Delgado
Last Updated at 12:06 on 22 Oct 2019 by Greg Reed