Thirty Fourth Session of the Data Buoy Cooperation Panel
23 - 26 October 2018
Protea Hotel Fire and Ice Cape Town, 64 New Church Street, Tamboerskoof,
Cape Town
South Africa
Organiser(s) & Staff
Open attendance.
Scientific and Technical Workshop:
The theme of the S&T Workshop is “Moored and Drifting Buoy Science, Technology, Data Management and Emerging Technologies”.
Presentations will be welcome in the following areas:
o Data buoy operations – strengths, weaknesses, lessons learned and suggested way forward
o Advances in coastal and open ocean observations – buoy hulls, instrumentation, moorings, new platforms
o Advances in data management and communications
o Research applications of data from DBCP platforms
Abstract submission deadline 15 August 2018
Further information is availbe at
National Reports:
Please provide input on national implementation status, in the form of a brief report to the WMO Secretariat ( )by 15 September 2018. Format for the national report is available at;
If your country is planning to present during the National Report presentations, please let the Secretariat ( know by 31 August 2018. Template for the power point presentation is vailabe at;
The South African Weather Service has negotiated block bookings at the meeting hotel, Protea Hotel Fire and Ice. Block bookings will be available until the end of August 2018.
Please note that all events and excursions will be arranged at or from Protea Hotel Fire and Ice. It is advised that all delegates of the DBCP conference stay at Protea Hotel Fire and Ice.
(please refer to Local Information document for details).

[View an annotated printable version of this agenda]
Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
JCOMM-MR-142, DBCP-34-final-report | DBCP-34 Session Report | 04/02/2019 |
Agenda | Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
Agenda | Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
10.1.1 | DBCP-34-ppt 10.1.1 | Report on vandalism | 25/10/2018 |
10.2.1 | DBCP-34-ppt 10.2.1 | Satcom Forum | 25/10/2018 |
10.2.2 | DBCP-34-ppt 10.2.2 | Argo Iridium Satellite Systems | 26/10/2018 |
10.4 | DBCP-34-ppt 10.4 | Ocean Standards and Best Practices | 25/10/2018 |
11.1 | DBCP-34-ppt 11.1 | WIGOS | 19/10/2018 |
11.1 | DBCP-34-ppt 11.1 | WMO Integrated Global Observing System | 25/10/2018 |
11.2 | DBCP-34-ppt 11.2 | GOOS 2030 Strategy and Implementation Plan | 25/10/2018 |
12.2 | DBCP-34-ppt 12.2(1) | WMO governing bodies | 19/10/2018 |
12.2 | DBCP-34-ppt 12.2 | Report on decisions of IOC governing bodies | 26/10/2018 |
12.2 | DBCP-34-ppt 12.2 | Report on decisions of WMO governing bodies | 26/10/2018 |
12.2 | DBCP-34-ppt 12.2 | Report on decisions of WMO governing bodies 2 | 26/10/2018 |
3 | DBCP-34-ppt-3 | DBCP and JCOMMOPS report | 12/11/2018 |
4.1 | DBCP-34-ppt 4.1 | NR-Australia | 22/10/2018 |
4.10 | DBCP-34-ppt 4.10 | NR-South Africa | 24/10/2018 |
4.11 | DBCP-34-ppt 4.11 | NR-Spain | 23/10/2018 |
4.12 | DBCP-34-ppt 4.12 | NR-USA | 23/10/2018 |
4.2 | DBCP-34-ppt 4.2 | NR-Brazil | 22/10/2018 |
4.3 | DBCP-34-ppt 4.3 | NR-Canada | 22/10/2018 |
4.4 | DBCP-34-ppt 4.4 | NR-China | 23/10/2018 |
4.5 | DBCP-34-ppt 4.5 | NR-France | 22/10/2018 |
4.6 | DBCP-34-ppt 4.6 | NR-India | 23/10/2018 |
4.8 | DBCP-34-ppt 4.8 | NR-Portugal | 23/10/2018 |
4.9 | DBCP-34-ppt 4.9 | NR-Republic of Korea | 23/10/2018 |
5.0 | DBCP-34-poster 5.0 | Maritime IoT | 12/11/2018 |
5.0 | DBCP-34-poster 5.0 | Monitoring in the Arctic | 12/11/2018 |
5.1 | DBCP-34-ppt 5.1 | Exchange Pathways of Freshwater in the Tropical Indian Ocean | 23/10/2018 |
5.11 | DBCP-34-ppt 5.11 | Lagrangian Drifter Lab Developments | 24/10/2018 |
5.2 | DBCP-34-ppt 5.2 | Near-surface circulation from Drifters in the Northern Arabian Sea | 23/10/2018 |
5.3 | DBCP-34-ppt 5.3 | Optimising the Australian Wave Observation Network | 22/10/2018 |
5.3 | DBCP-34-ppt 5.3 | Optimising the Australian Wave Observation Network | 23/10/2018 |
5.4 | DBCP-34-ppt 5.4 | Emerging NDBC Wave Systems | 23/10/2018 |
5.5 | DBCP-34-ppt 5.5 | Intercomparison of Wave Measurements from Data off Chennai | 23/10/2018 |
5.6 | DBCP-34-ppt 5.6 | Automatic Drogue Loss Detection at AOML's Drifter DAC | 23/10/2018 |
5.7 | DBCP-31-ppt 5.7 | The Santander Atlantic Time-series | 23/10/2018 |
5.8 | DBCP-34-ppt 5.8 | Current profilling from Surface Buoy-Mounted ADCPs | 23/10/2018 |
5.9 | DBCP-34-ppt 5.9 | Brazil National Buoy Program Challenges | 23/10/2018 |
7.1 | DBCP-34-ppt 7.1 | PP-HRSST | 25/10/2018 |
8.1 | DBCP-34-ppt 8.1 | GDP | 25/10/2018 |
8.2 | DBCP-34-ppt 8.2 | IABP | 26/10/2018 |
8.3 | DBCP-34-ppt 8.3 | IPAB | 25/10/2018 |
8.4 | DBCP-34-ppt 8.4 | IBPIO | 25/10/2018 |
8.5 | DBCP-34-ppt 8.5 | ISABP | 25/10/2018 |
8.6 | DBCP-34-ppt 8.6 | NPDBAP | 25/10/2018 |
8.7 | DBCP-34-ppt 8.7 | ESURFMAR | 08/10/2018 |
8.7 | DBCP-34-ppt 8.7 | E-SURFMAR | 25/10/2018 |
8.8 | DBCP-34-ppt 8.8 | TIP | 12/11/2018 |
8.9 | DBCP-34-ppt 8.9 | ITP | 25/10/2018 |
9.1 | DBCP-34-ppt 9.1 | TT-DBPD | 26/10/2018 |
9.2 | DBCP-34-ppt 9.2 | TT-MB | 25/10/2018 |
9.3 | DBCP-34-ppt 9.3 | TT-WM | 25/10/2018 |
9.5 | DBCP-34-ppt 9.5 | TT-DM | 25/10/2018 |
9.5.1 | DBCP-34-ppt 9.5.1 | Recommendations of the Task Team | 25/10/2018 |
9.5.2 | DBCP-34-ppt 9.5.2 | Recommendations of drifting buoy data management centers | 25/10/2018 |
Agenda | Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
Agenda | Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
10.1.1 | DBCP-34-Doc 10.1.1 | Report on Vandalism | 04/10/18 |
10.1.1 | DBCP-34-INF 10.1.1 | Vandalism Map | 04/10/18 |
10.2.2 | DBCP-34-Doc 10.2.2 | ARGOS & IRIDIUM satellite systems | 14/09/18 |
10.2.2 | DBCP-34-INF 10.2.2 | ARGOS & IRIDIUM satellite systems | 19/10/18 |
10.3 | DBCP-34-Doc 10.3 | DBCP Guidelines for Oceanographic Instruments | 19/10/18 |
10.3 | DBCP-34-INF 10.3 | DBCP Guidelines for Oceanographic Instruments | 19/10/18 |
10.4 | DBCP-34-Doc 10.4 | Ocean S&BP | 10/09/18 |
10.6 | DBCP-34-Doc 10.6 | Emerging technologies/networks | 18/10/18 |
11.1 | DBCP-34-Doc 11.1 | WIGOS | 08/10/18 |
11.2 | DBCP-34-Doc 11.2 | GOOS Strategy | 12/09/18 |
11.3 | DBCP-34-INF 11.3 | Implementation Strategy-with proposed changes | 20/11/18 |
11.3 | DBCP-34-Doc 11.3 | DBCP Implementation Strategy and Priority activities for the Panel | 20/11/18 |
12.2 | DBCP-34-Doc 12.2(1) | Decisions of WMO Governing bodies | 12/09/18 |
12.2 | DBCP-34-Doc 12.2(2) | Decisions of IOC Governing bodies | 12/09/18 |
12.3 | DBCP-34-Doc 12.3 | Financial Report | 19/11/18 |
13.1 | DBCP-34-Doc 13.1 | Report from EXB | 24/10/18 |
13.2 | DBCP-34-Doc 13.2 | Operating Principles - with proposed chnages | 24/10/18 |
2.1 | DBCP-34-Doc2.1(1) | Provisional Agenda | 14/08/18 |
2.1 | DBCP-34-Doc2.1(2) | Annotated Agenda | 12/10/18 |
3 | DBCP-34-Doc3 | JCOMMOPS Report | 19/11/18 |
4 | DBCP-34-Doc4.0 | National Presentation Template | 21/08/18 |
4 | DBCP-34-NR-Chile | National Report - Chile | 10/09/18 |
4 | DBCP-34-NR-Ecuador | National Report - Ecuador | 10/09/18 |
4 | DBCP-34-NR-France | National Report - France | 14/09/18 |
4 | DBCP-34-NR-India | National Report - India | 10/09/18 |
4 | DBCP-34-NR-Iran | National Report - Iran | 10/09/18 |
4 | DBCP-34-NR-New Zealand | National Report - New Zealand | 10/09/18 |
4 | DBCP-34-NR-Sweden | National Report - Sweden | 10/09/18 |
4 | DBCP-34-NR-Australia | National Report - Australia | 11/09/18 |
4 | DBCP-34-NR-Germany | National Report - Germany | 11/09/18 |
4 | DBCP-34-NR-UK | National Report - UK | 11/09/18 |
4 | DBCP-34-NR-Portugal | National Report - Portugal | 12/09/18 |
4 | DBCP-34-NR-Japan | National Report - Japan | 12/09/18 |
4 | DBCP-34-NR-Finland | National Report - Finland | 14/09/18 |
4 | DBCP-34-NR-Rep.of Korea | National Report - Rep.of Korea | 14/09/18 |
4 | DBCP-34-NR-South Africa | National Report - South Africa | 15/09/18 |
4 | DBCP-34-NR-Greece | National Report - Greece | 15/09/18 |
4 | DBCP-34-NR-USA | National Report - USA | 15/09/18 |
4 | DBCP-34-NR-Norway | National Report - Norway | 18/09/18 |
4 | DBCP-34-NR-Brazil | National Report -Brazil | 20/09/18 |
4 | DBCP-34-NR-Spain | National Report - Spain | 07/10/18 |
4 | DBCP-34-NR-China | National Report - China | 17/10/18 |
4 | DBCP-34-NR-Canada | National Report - Canada | 19/10/18 |
5 | DBCP-34-Doc 5.0 | S&T workshop | 28/09/18 |
7 | DBCP-34-Doc. 7.1 | PP-HRSST | 26/10/18 |
8.1 | DBCP-34-Doc 8.1 | Global Drifter Programme | 19/10/18 |
8.2 | DBCP-34-Doc 8.2 | IABP | 10/10/18 |
8.3 | DBCP-34-Doc 8.3 | IPAB | 25/10/18 |
8.4 | DBCP-34-Doc 8.4 | IBPIO Action Group | 10/09/18 |
8.5 | DBCP-34-Doc 8.5 | ISABP Action Group | 13/09/18 |
8.6 | DBCP-34-Doc 8.6 | NPDBAP | 02/10/18 |
8.7 | DBCP-34-Doc 8.7 | ESURFMAR | 12/09/18 |
8.8 | DBCP-34-Doc 8.8 | TIP Action Group | 11/09/18 |
8.9 | DBCP-34-Doc 8.9 | ITP Action Group | 24/10/18 |
9.1 | DBCP-34-Doc 9.1 | TT-DBPD | 17/10/18 |
9.2 | DBCP-34-Doc 9.2 | TT-MB | 11/10/18 |
9.3 | DBCP-34-Doc 9.3 | TT-WM | 05/10/18 |
9.4 | DBCP-34-Doc 9.4 | TT-Capacity Building | 13/09/18 |
9.5.1 | DBCP-34-Doc 9.5.1 | TT-DM | 28/09/18 |
9.5.2 | DBCP-34-Doc 9.5.2 | Recommendations of the Buoy data management centres | 15/10/18 |
Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
DBCP-34-INF-1 | Documentation Plan | 14/08/2018 |
DBCP-34-INF-2 | Time Table | 16/10/2018 |
DBCP-34-INF-4 | Local Information | 30/07/2018 |
DBCP-34-INF-5 | Science and Technology Workshop Announcement | 20/07/2018 |
DBCP-34-INF-7 | Format for National Reports | 26/07/2018 |
DBCP-34-INF-8 | Action Group Report Template | 20/07/2018 |
DBCP-34-Document Template | Document Template | 25/07/2018 |
DBCP-34-Vandalism Report Template | Buoy Vandalism Report Template | 25/07/2018 |
DBCP-34-Presentation Template | General Presentation Template Except for National Report | 28/09/2018 |
Vandalism report from Turkey | 05/11/2018 |
There are 59 participants associated with Thirty Fourth Session of the Data Buoy Cooperation Panel .
Name | Country |
BARNES Michael | South Africa |
BRAASCH Lancelot | United States of America |
CARVAL Thierry | France |
CENTURIONI Luca | United States of America |
CHAMBERS Lee | United States of America |
CONNELL Kenneth | United States of America |
COSTA JUNIOR Paulo | Brazil |
D'HOTMAN Jethan | South Africa |
DADIC Vlado | Croatia |
DANIELS Tania | South Africa |
DE VILLIERS Mardené | South Africa |
DE VOS Marc | South Africa |
DOLK Shaun R | United States of America |
EMZIVAT Gilbert | France |
ESTEVES Rita | Portugal |
GALLAGE Champika | Switzerland |
GRINDE Stig | Norway |
GRISSOM Karen | United States of America |
HALL Candice | United States of America |
HERKLOTZ Kai | Germany |
HERMES Juliet | South Africa |
HOFSTAD Ketil | Norway |
JENSEN Robert | United States of America |
JEONG Yeonghwa | Republic of Korea |
JIANG Long | France |
JIANG Bin | China |
JIANG Qiu | China |
KANG Woosung | Republic of Korea |
KELLY-GERREYN Boris | Australia |
LAVIN Alicia | Spain |
LE GARREC Marc | France |
LEE Joingjin | Republic of Korea |
LEWIS Jennifer | United States of America |
LOCKLEAR Eric R | United States of America |
LUCAS Marc | France |
LUCERO Miriam | Ecuador |
LUMPKIN Rick | United States of America |
LUNEV Eugene | Russian Federation |
MATTHYSEN Craig | South Africa |
MEDEIROS Laura | Canada |
MELDRUM David | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
MORRIS Tamaryn | South Africa |
MOTYZHEV Sergey | Russian Federation |
PANG Renbo | China |
PAZOS Mayra | United States of America |
RAUTENBACH Christo | South Africa |
RIGOR Ignatius | United States of America |
ROBERT Brice | France |
STANDER Johan | Switzerland |
SYBRANDY Andy | United States of America |
THURSTON Sidney W. | United States of America |
TOON Rory | United States of America |
TURTON Jonathan | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
VALDES Erik | United States of America |
WINGENROTH Jeffrey | United States of America |
WON Hyoseong | Republic of Korea |
YU Ting | China |
ZHANG Dongbin | China |
Participant Stats:
Total Invited: 59
Confirmed: 59
Not confirmed: 0
Unapproved: 0
Not-participating: 0
Rejected: 0
Label(s): no labels
Created at 17:25 on 20 Mar 2018 by Champika Gallage
Last Updated at 09:16 on 23 Jun 2023 by Sofie de Baenst