8th ODIP Workshop (and 4th ODIP-II Workshop)
02 - 05 October 2017
Marine Institute Headquarters, Galway
Co. Galway H91 R673
Organiser(s) & Staff
By invitation only.
[Click on the image for full size ]
ODIP workshops bring together the globally distributed project partners, together with other domain and technical experts, to discuss and progress the various project activities that support the development of a common global framework for marine data management.
This is the fourth and final workshop planned for the ODIP II project. The agenda for this meeting will focus on: 1) assessing the continued progress made by the ODIP II prototype development tasks and associated cross-cutting themes, 2) finalization of the project activities and deliverables including preparation for the final reporting and review process, 3) post-project sustainability of the Ocean Data Interoperability Platform including the wider ODIP community.
The format of the ODIP II workshops has remained largely the same throughout the project with a combination of plenary and discussion sessions. As with previous workshops, the agenda is broken down into a series of sessions with a chairperson identified for each who is responsible for both developing the content, and moderating the presentations and discussion.
[View an annotated printable version of this agenda]
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Created at 15:42 on 27 Oct 2017 by Peter Pissierssens
Last Updated at 22:19 on 06 May 2018 by Athanasia Iona