OTGA Training Course: Discovery and Use of Operational Ocean Data Products and Services
Training Course
11 - 15 March 2019
UNESCO / IOC Project Office for IODE
InnovOcean Campus
8400 Oostende
Organiser(s) & Staff
Attendance by application.
This course will provide knowledge and hands-on experience for the data, satellites and instrumentation, access and formats, tools and software for operational activities. A pre-course phase of the training will provide an essential overview of data, products and tools used to monitor the ocean and will focus on preparation for the classroom phase where students will work on a short project to learn more about the data and its applications.
Aims and Objectives
- Introduction to methods to access and download data and products used in operational oceanography
- Understanding of data and products to be used for specific applications
- Understanding of key types of satellite measurements used to monitor the ocean
Learning Outcomes
- Introduction to a wide range of data and products to improve marine analysis
- Overview of airborne and satellite data available for marine and coastal research
- Awareness of data processing and file formats
- Use of tools to access and visualize data scripting languages to work with marine satellite data
Target Audience
The target audience includes, but not limited to, the following:
- Researchers with an interest in working with satellite based and real time ocean observation data
- Ocean and coastal data managers
- PhD students and Post-Docs
Course Pre-requisites:
- General knowledge of oceanography
- Experience with computer programming languages will be an advantage
- Good working knowledge of English
- Candidates must successfully complete an online pre-course phase to be eligible to join the face-to-face classroom phase.
Note: Priority will be given to participants originating from Europe and North African countries. UNESCO is committed to promote gender equality. Applications from women are strongly encouraged.
A Certificate of Participation will be issued to all successful students.`
The UNESCO/IOC Project Office for IODE is certified as a Learning Services Provider (ISO 29990:2010).
The OceanTeacher Global Academy is a Project of IOC/IODE supported by the Flanders-UNESCO Trust Fund (FUST) of the Government of Flanders, Belgium.
Application process:
Please read the information on how to apply available on the OceanTeacher Global Academy website (http://bit.ly/2ACZY9r) and fill the online application form on
https://otga.wufoo.com/forms/s1r08pg8143tlzz/ or https://bit.ly/2zU1ggY no later than 15 January 2019.
Before starting filling the online application form, please make sure to have available the following:
- a motivation statement (text file) of maximum 300 words;
- your passport number or, in case you are a national of the host country a valid identification/citizen card can be used instead of the passport;
- scan of the endorsement letter (in case you are asking for funding)
- link to your profile on OceanExpert (www.oceanexpert.net); if you don't have one make sure you create one in advance.
The deadline to submit the application closes 15 January 2019. Do not leave for the last minute since the system will close automatically. In case you have any questions please contact the organisers well in advance.
No tuition fee applies. Both full- and co-sponsoring are available for a limited number of participants. For detailed information check the OceanTeacher website (www.oceanteacher.org.
In case of questions please contact:
OTGA Secretariat on training@iode.org always indicating as subject 'OTGA Training Course: Discovery & Use of Operational Ocean Data Products & Services, 11 – 15 March 2019, Oostende, Belgium’
[View an annotated printable version of this agenda]
Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
20181213_OTGA DUOODPS flyer 2019 FINAL | 13/12/2018 |
There are 23 participants associated with OTGA Training Course: Discovery and Use of Operational Ocean Data Products and Services .
Name | Country |
LIZÉ Anthonin | France |
REED Greg | Belgium |
RICKARDS Lesley | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
Name | Country |
ARSAD Shukri | Malaysia |
BELGACEM Malek | Italy |
DA SILVA Noca | Mozambique |
DE FRUTOS Isabel | United States of America |
DE OLIVEIRA JÚNIOR Luciano | Portugal |
DZOIC Tomislav | Croatia |
ELGHANDOUR Ahmed | Egypt |
GIUNTA Valentina | France |
HASSAN Nurzuhrah | Malaysia |
KHALF nesren | Egypt |
KRAUZIG Naomi | Italy |
LAMAS Luisa | Portugal |
MAUEUA Clousa | Mozambique |
MUNIZ Carlota | South Africa |
NGISIANG'E Noah | Kenya |
NYS Cécile | France |
PINHEIRO Marisa | Portugal |
SMITH Helen | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
TORRI Marco | Italy |
VISKA Maija | Latvia |
Name | Country |
FERNANDES João | Portugal |
VAN GOLDE Ilmer | Portugal |
ZAKZOUK Mohamed | Egypt |
= Person has declined to participate or had their request to participate declined.
Participant Stats:
Total Invited: 26
Confirmed: 23
Not confirmed: 0
Unapproved: 0
Not-participating: 3
Rejected: 0
Label(s): GOOS Training course
Created at 13:14 on 18 Oct 2017 by Cláudia Delgado
Last Updated at 12:19 on 10 Jan 2020 by Cláudia Delgado