IOC Contribution to the work of the General Conference Working Group on the Governance, Procedure and Working Methods of the Organization (and follow-up to circular letter 2670)
Governance 2
17 October 2016 - 19 June 2017
Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO†
7 Place de Fontenoy
75007 Paris
Organiser(s) & Staff
Overarching issues: Coherence with the Organization’s Programme and priorities Enhanced visibility of results Streamlining activities of IIBs to contribute to C/5 expected results IIBs to address UNESCO’s role in the implementation of the 2030 agenda Coherence and synergies, noting different geneses and legal status of various bodies and independence of some of them Balance between equity and fficiency in participation of Member States Each IIB to review the recommendations of the external auditor in line with resolution 38 C/101 Harmonization of methods of work Harmonization of working methods and of Rules of Procedure Streamlining reporting formats Common practices and procedures Clarification of the mandates of Bureaus versus main organs Alignment with C/5 and overarching priorities Involvement of IIB in the preparation of UNESCO’s Programme and Budget Consultation of IIB in the reparation, in particular on the format and timing Contributions of IIB to deliver the C/5 and the expected results once approved by the General Conference - Presentation of the approved C/5 to IIB, planning of activities of IIB based on the consideration of the approved C/5 and IIB reporting on contribution to the Expected Results of the C/5. Priority setting mechanism Development of result framework - a theory for change of the IIB. Efficiency of results delivery Annotated agendas with discussion points Reinforced use of ICTs and vailability of documents online Measures to enhance transparency of the work of IBBs Visibility and communication on respective mandates Improving efficiency of meetings (length, participants, technical aspects, dissemination of results) Enhanced coordination with and among IIBs Merging IIBs with similar or related programme focus. Regular meetings of the presidents of treaty bodies Harmonization of the global calendar of meetings over the biennium Relation between IIBs and the General Conference, including reporting
[View an annotated printable version of this agenda]
Agenda | Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
Agenda | Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
CL-2670 | (IOC-XXIX/Inf.4: IOC Messages) Follow up to decisions of the 49th session of the IOC Executive Council | 11/10/2017 |
Res-101-Sub-group2-web | 38 C/Resolution 101 Sub-Group 2 (2017): “Structure, composition and methods of work of UNESCO’s international and intergovernmental bodies” | 13/05/2017 |
IOC/EC-XLIX/3 | Forty-ninth Session of the IOC Executive Council, UNESCO, Paris, 7-10 June 2016 | 13/02/2020 |
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Created at 14:29 on 09 Dec 2016 by Patrice Boned
Last Updated at 21:43 on 22 Jun 2017 by Patrice Boned