Scientific meeting of experts for coordinated scenario analysis of future tsunami events and hazard mitigation schemes for the South China Sea region
South China Sea Region Hazard Assessment Experts Meeting
16 - 18 November 2015
Fujian province,
Organiser(s) & Staff
By invitation only.
The South China Sea region, which covers the South China Sea and its adjoining basins including Sulu Sea and Celebes Sea, is identified as one of the most vulnerable regions to major tsunamigenic earthquakes due to the high seismicity of the Manila Trench, Cotabato and Negros Trench and Sulawesi Trench. According to historical records, a number of devastating tsunamis have occurred in the region. For example, the tsunami which hit Keelung in 1867 is believed to have resulted in the loss of several hundred lives. More recently, the tsunami generated by the M8.1 earthquake which hit Moro Gulf of the Celebes Sea in 1976 resulted in over 8,000 dead or missing, 10,000 injured and 90,000 homeless. The recent Mw 7.0 earthquake in 2006 off Taiwan once again raised attention and awareness of tsunami hazard of the region. To tackle tsunami risk in the region, the international community has launched a coordinated plan of action. The Twenty-third Session of the Intergovernmental Coordination Group for the Pacific Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System (ICG/PTWS-23, 16-18 February 2009, Samoa) formed a Working Group on Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System in the region to, among other functions, promote and facilitate tsunami hazard and risk studies in the region. There are already a significant number of studies on the tectonic, seismicity, historical earthquakes, tsunami records as well as tsunami risk assessments of the South China Sea region with results published in peer-reviewed journals. The results of those studies will form a good basis for further tsunami hazard and risk assessment in the region. The historical tsunami events discussed above had mainly local impacts and there is very little historical information on events affecting a large region of the South China Sea. Some of the big questions are: • Is the Manila Trench the only structure capable of producing a South China Sea wide tsunami? • What is a comprehensive list of possible tsunami sources in the South China Sea region (local, regional, distant)? • Are any sources outside the region a potential hazard for the South China Sea region? • How large an earthquake can be produced by the Manila Trench and other potential sources as listed by the group? • What is the return period for Manila Trench and other main source events? In view of the large volume of knowledge in the studies discussed above, and the diversity of some of the study results, the IOC proposes holding a three-days scientific meeting of relevant experts to review historical records, discuss the most likely sources and probability of occurrence of earthquakes and tsunamis for coordinated scenario analysis of future events and hazard mitigation schemes for the South China Sea region. The expected outcome of the workshop will be a better understanding of the tsunami hazard and risk in the South China Sea region which can feed into the planning for the establishment of the sub-regional Tsunami advisory centre, as well as allow Member States to better understand their level of tsunami exposure. The proposed major topics for discussion at the workshop are: 1. Paleoseismology and historic events in the South China Sea region and Philippines Trench 2. Seismic studies and potential tsunamigenic sources in the South China Sea region 3. Technical/Scientific development of tsunami modelling for the South China Sea region, including key parameters

[View an annotated printable version of this agenda]
Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
WR 275 | Scientific Meeting of Experts for Coordinated Scenario Analysis of Future Tsunami Events and Hazard Mitigation Schemes for the South China Sea Region Xiamen, China 16–18 November 2015 | 21/12/2018 |
Agenda | Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
Agenda | Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
ICG/PTWS-WG-SCS-IV/9 | Literature Study of Tsunami Risk in the SCS Region and Its Adjacent Basins | 24/03/2015 |
Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
Logistics South China Sea Hazard Assessment Meeting | 08/09/2015 |
South China Sea region Experts Meeting_Nov 2015_List of Participants | 12/11/2015 |
Draft_Timetable Experts Meeting | 12/11/2015 |
Draft Agenda SCS region Experts Meeting | 12/11/2015 |
There are 24 participants associated with Scientific meeting of experts for coordinated scenario analysis of future tsunami events and hazard mitigation schemes for the South China Sea region .
Name | Country |
NARAG Ishmael | Philippines |
ALIAGA ROSSEL Bernardo | France |
BAUTISTA Bartolome Caparas | Philippines |
CHEUNG Kwok Fai | United States of America |
ELLIOTT Tony | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
FENG Shi | China |
GLEDHILL Ken | New Zealand |
HE Honglin | China |
HONG PHUONG Nguyen | Viet Nam |
LI Linlin | Singapore |
LIU Philip | United States of America |
LIU Hua | China |
MOK Hing-Yim | China |
OKAL Emile | United States of America |
REN Yefei | China |
SUPPASRI Anawat | Japan |
TITOV Vasily | United States of America |
WANG Xiaoming | New Zealand |
WEI Yong | United States of America |
WEN Ruizhi | China |
WU TSO-REN | China |
XU Zhiguo | China |
YU Fujiang | China |
YUAN Ye | China |
ZHANG Lu | China |
= Person has declined to participate or had their request to participate declined.
Participant Stats:
Total Invited: 25
Confirmed: 24
Not confirmed: 0
Unapproved: 0
Not-participating: 1
Rejected: 0
Label(s): no labels
Created at 16:16 on 28 Jul 2015 by Bernardo Aliaga Rossel
Last Updated at 13:01 on 21 Dec 2018 by Bernardo Aliaga Rossel