OTGA-OBIS: Training course - Marine Biogeographic Data Management (contributing and using OBIS)
Training Course
30 November - 04 December 2015
UNESCO / IOC Project Office for IODE
InnovOcean Campus
8400 Oostende
Organiser(s) & Staff
By invitation only.
Overview The course provides an introduction to the Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS). This includes best practices in marine biogeographic data management, data publication, data access, data analysis and data visualisation. Aims and Objectives - Expand the OBIS network of collaborators - Improve marine biogeographic data quality - Increase awareness of international standards and best practices related to marine biogeographic data - Increase the amount of open access data published through OBIS and its OBIS nodes - Increase the use of data from OBIS for science, species conservation and area-based management applications Learning Outcomes - Knowledge and understanding of OBIS structure, mission and objectives - Installation and management of IPT - Use of Darwin Core standards for species occurrence records, taxonomy, event/sample records and additional biological and environmental parameters. - Data quality control tools - Publishing data through IPT and contributing datasets to OBIS - Use of OBIS data access (SQL, web service, API/R). - Data visualisation tools (ArGIS online, …) Target Audience - Marine data managers - Staff of NODCs or ADUs/OBIS nodes working with marine biodiversity data - Principle Investigators of major marine biodiversity expeditions - National marine biodiversity focal points Note: priority will be given to participants that can demonstrate to hold important data contributions to OBIS, in addition to those from gap areas in OBIS (e.g. deep sea, S-E Asia, Middle East, Africa, Arctic) Course Pre-requisites - Candidates should be from institutions that contribute, or hold and plan to contribute, marine biogeographic data to OBIS - Candidates should bring marine biogeographic datasets with them for the hands-on exercises - Need to bring own laptop - Working knowledge of English
Interested candidates can apply for the course by following the instructions described at OceanTeacher Global Academy and IODE websites. Application implies the submission of the following documents: - OTGA Application Form - Short CV (max 3 pages) - Endorsement letter (from employer or host organisation, in case of asking for sponsorship) Both full- and co-sponsoring are available for a limited number of participants. Sponsored participants will receive one or a combination of the following cost items: 1) air ticket, 2) living and accommodation support, 3) tuition fee and 4) medical insurance. The selection of participants who will be sponsored will take into consideration: - Applicant country’s development status (preference will be given to LIFDCs) - Endorsement of the candidate’s application by his/her employer and any co-sponsoring - Expected impact of the training for the applicants’ institution - Possibility of any co-sponsorship (co-sponsorship is an asset for selection) UNESCO is committed to promote gender equality. Therefore applications from women are strongly encouraged. Complete applications should be sent by e-mail directly to the OceanTeacher Global Academy Training Coordinator (Claudia Delgado: claudia.delgado@iode.org) and the OBIS Project Manager (Ward Appeltans: w.appeltans@unesco.org). Please send all the documentation together (one email). We underline that the deadline for applications is 11 October 2015.
[View an annotated printable version of this agenda]
Agenda | Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
Agenda | Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
OTGA Application Form 2015 | 08/09/2015 |
OTGA-OBIS Course Flyer 2015 | 08/09/2015 |
Agenda and Time Table OBIS training course 2015 | 05/11/2015 |
Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
2015-11-30-12-04-OTGA_OBIS-GENERAL_LOCAL_INFO | 20/11/2015 |
There are 23 participants associated with OTGA-OBIS: Training course - Marine Biogeographic Data Management (contributing and using OBIS) .
Name | Country |
APPELTANS Ward | Belgium |
PROVOOST Pieter | Belgium |
VANDEPITTE Leen | Belgium |
Name | Country |
DE POOTER Daphnis | Australia |
DECOCK Wim | Belgium |
DEKEYZER Stefanie | Belgium |
VANHOORNE Bart | Belgium |
Name | Country |
ORTIZ Silverio | Argentina |
ROCHA GUTIÉRREZ Venus | Colombia |
HELGASON Hólmgrímur | Iceland |
EKAWATI Marlina | Indonesia |
NGISIANG'E Noah | Kenya |
BALQIS Siti | Malaysia |
UGALDE Diana | Mexico |
TUTJAVI Vasana | Namibia |
LIBUKU Victor | Namibia |
ADELUGBA Taiwo Funke | Nigeria |
LUTCHMINARAYAN Kirtanya | South Africa |
NEPROKIN Oleksandr | Ukraine |
CHANDE Muhaji | United Republic of Tanzania |
KAPAPA Lyidia Selis | United Republic of Tanzania |
LASLEY JR Robert | United States of America |
PERALTA BRICHTOVA Carolina | Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) |
Name | Country |
HOSONO Takashi | Japan |
MAGHSOUDLOU Abdolvahab | Iran (Islamic Republic of) |
= Person has declined to participate or had their request to participate declined.
Participant Stats:
Total Invited: 25
Confirmed: 23
Not confirmed: 0
Unapproved: 0
Not-participating: 2
Rejected: 0
Label(s): IOC Capacity Development Training course , IODE Training course , OBIS Training course
Created at 16:45 on 03 Mar 2015 by Ward Appeltans
Last Updated at 14:05 on 24 Apr 2017 by Ward Appeltans