6th session of the JCOMM Management Committee
03 - 06 December 2007
Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO
1 rue Miollis
75015 Paris
Organiser(s) & Staff
By invitation only.
Further information on visiting the IOC (including visa and hotel information, directions) at:http://www.ioc-goos.org/visiting
[View an annotated printable version of this agenda]
Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
JCOMM-MR-055, MAN-6 | JCOMM Management Committee, 6th session | 14/03/2013 |
Agenda | Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
Agenda | Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
IOC Strategy (Medium-term and Biennial) | 01/12/2007 |
WMO Strategic Plan | 29/11/2007 |
JCOMM-MR-045, MAN-5 | JCOMM Management Committee, 5th session | 14/03/2013 |
4.5 | Draft Top-Level WIGOS Description | 23/11/2007 |
4.5 | Draft Detailed WIGOS Description | 23/11/2007 |
4.5 | Draft Initial WIGOS Development and Implementation Plan | 23/11/2007 |
7 | JCOMM-TR-011, CB-Strategy-Rev-1 | JCOMM Capacity Building Strategy | 25/11/2015 |
Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
Document Plan | 10/08/2007 |
MAN-VI group photo | 06/12/2007 |
JCOMM-MR-055, MAN-6 | JCOMM Management Committee, 6th session | 14/03/2013 |
There are 24 participants associated with 6th session of the JCOMM Management Committee .
Name | Country |
DEXTER Peter | Australia |
FELLOUS Jean-Louis | France |
Name | Country |
DONLON Craig | Netherlands (Kingdom of the) |
Name | Country |
JOHNSON Michael | United States of America |
Name | Country |
KEELEY J Robert | Canada |
Name | Country |
ANDRIOLI Miriam | Argentina |
Name | Country |
LINDSTROM Eric | United States of America |
Name | Country |
GERARD François | France |
Name | Country |
REED Greg | Belgium |
Name | Country |
CHEN Zhi | China |
NOWLIN Worth | United States of America |
NÚÑEZ GUNDLACH Rodrigo | Ecuador |
Name | Country |
BAKER D. James | United States of America |
BELOV Sergey | Russian Federation |
Name | Country |
AARUP Thorkild | France |
ALVERSON Keith | Kenya |
BERNAL Patricio | Chile |
CABRERA Edgard | Switzerland |
CLARK Candyce | United States of America |
FISCHER Albert | Switzerland |
LEE Boram | Switzerland |
PISSIERSSENS Peter | Belgium |
SCHIESSL Dieter | Switzerland |
Name | Country |
BEL HASSEN-ABID Malika | Tunisia |
DANDIN Philippe | France |
HARRISON D. E. | United States of America |
ZILLMAN John | Australia |
= Person has declined to participate or had their request to participate declined.
Participant Stats:
Total Invited: 28
Confirmed: 24
Not confirmed: 0
Unapproved: 0
Not-participating: 4
Rejected: 0