Eighth Session of the JCOMM Ship Observations Team (SOT)
20 - 24 April 2015
Cape Town
South Africa
Organiser(s) & Staff
Open attendance.
The Ship Observations Team (SOT) was established to build on synergies between the three Panels involved in coordinating global ship-based observing programmes, i.e. the Voluntary Observing Ship (VOS) Scheme, the Ship-of-Opportunity Programme (SOOP), and the Automated Shipboard Aerological Programme (ASAP), with a view to an eventual possible full-integration of ship-based observing systems on commercial and research vessels. Membership to the Team is open, and comprises operators of VOS, SOOP and ASAP, as well as representatives from other groups using ships as observing platforms. It also includes representatives from: monitoring centres; data management centres and bodies; INMARSAT and other communication systems; manufacturers; scientific advisory bodies; and users as appropriate. The SOT-8 will commence at 09:00 hours on Monday, 20 April 2015. It will consist of a common session for the three programmes; the nineth session of the VOS Panel (VOSP); and the eleventh session of the SOOP Implementation Panel (SOOPIP). As for previous Sessions ASAP aspects will be considered as part of the VOSP Session and the relevant SOT Task Team. In this respect, it should be noted that a Scientific and Technical Workshop on New Initiatives and New Developments will take place on the first day of the meeting. The session will be conducted in English language.

[View an annotated printable version of this agenda]
Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
JCOMM-MR-120, SOT-8 Report | Eighth Session of the Ship Observations Team (SOT-8), Final Report | 26/08/2015 |
Agenda | Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
Agenda | Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
10 | SOT-8-ppt-10.1.3-ECMWF | ASAP QC Monitoring Report (ECMWF) | 28/04/2015 |
10 | SOT-8-ppt-10.1.1 | VOS Monitoring Report from the Exeter Regional Specialized Meteorological Centre (RSMC) | 23/04/2015 |
10 | SOT-8-ppt-10.4 | SOOP, GO-SHIP, and ASAP metadata requirements | 23/04/2015 |
10 | SOT-8-ppt-10.1.3-France | ASAP QC Monitoring report (Meteo France) | 28/04/2015 |
10 | SOT-8-ppt-10.1.4 | Global temperature and Salinity Profile Programme (GTSPP) | 23/04/2015 |
10 | SOT-8-ppt-10.1.5 | Global Ocean Surface Underway data Pilot Project (GOSUD) [ | 23/04/2015 |
10 | SOT-8-ppt-10.2.1 | Global Collecting Centres (GCCs) report on the VOS | 23/04/2015 |
10 | SOT-8-ppt-10.2.2 | VOSClim Data Assembly Centre (DAC) report | 23/04/2015 |
10 | SOT-8-ppt-10.3.1 | BUFR Template for VOS data | 24/04/2015 |
10 | SOT-8-ppt-10.3.2 | BUFR Template and implementation for XBT/XCTD/TSG data | 23/04/2015 |
11 | SOT-8-ppt-11 | Review SOT Implementation Strategy | 23/04/2015 |
13 | SOT-8 NR | SOT-8 NR Australia | 04/05/2015 |
13 | SOT-8 NR | SOT-8 NR China | 04/05/2015 |
13 | SOT-8 NR | SOT-8 NR Germany | 04/05/2015 |
13 | SOT-8 NR | SOT-8 NR Greece | 04/05/2015 |
13 | SOT-8 NR | SOT-8 NR Hong Kong | 04/05/2015 |
13 | SOT-8 NR | SOT-8 NR India | 04/05/2015 |
13 | SOT-8 NR | SOT-8 NR Japan | 04/05/2015 |
13 | SOT-8 NR | SOT-8 NR Netherlands | 04/05/2015 |
13 | SOT-8 NR | SOT-8 NR UK | 04/05/2015 |
13 | SOT-8 NR | SOT-8 NR USA | 04/05/2015 |
2 | SOT-8-ppt-2.10 | XBT Timing Tests | 10/07/2015 |
2 | SOT-8-ppt-2.1 | OceanScientific Campaign 2015-2025 | 23/04/2015 |
2 | SOT-8-ppt-2.2 | All Ships Log | 23/04/2015 |
2 | SOT-8-ppt-2.3 | The Weather Observations Website (WOW | 23/04/2015 |
2 | SOT-8-ppt-2.4 | Installation of Radiometers on Ships of Opportunity/VOS | 23/04/2015 |
2 | SOT-8-ppt-2.5 | NOSIA report | 23/04/2015 |
2 | SOT-8-ppt-2.6 | The FerryBox Systems | 23/04/2015 |
2 | SOT-8-ppt-2.7 | Contributions of the XBT network to our understanding of the S. Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation | 23/04/2015 |
2 | SOT-8-ppt-2.9 | Value of High Sampling Rate Marine Observations | 23/04/2015 |
3 | SOT-8-ppt-3.1-Report-Secretariat | Report from the Secretariat | 23/04/2015 |
3 | SOT-8-ppt-3.2_OPA report | 3.2. Report from the Observations Programme Area Coordinator | 23/04/2015 |
5 | SOT-8-ppt-5.1 | Ocean Observations for Physics and Climate (OOPC) | 23/04/2015 |
5 | SOT-8-ppt-5.2 | Rolling Review of Requirements update | 23/04/2015 |
6 | SOT-8-ppt-6.3 | GO-SHIP | 23/04/2015 |
6 | SOT-8-ppt-6.2 | SAMOS | 23/04/2015 |
6 | SOT-8-ppt-6.4 | GHRSST | 23/04/2015 |
6 | SOT-8-ppt-6.7 | Ferrybox | 23/04/2015 |
7 | SOT-8-ppt-7.7 | Task Team on Training | 23/04/2015 |
7 | SOT-8-ppt-7.3 TT VOSRPP | Task Team on VOS Recruitment and Programme Promotion | 23/04/2015 |
7 | SOT-8-ppt-7.4 ttmetadata | TT-Metadata | 23/04/2015 |
7 | SOT-8-ppt-7.8 VOS Ancillary Pilot Project | VOS Ancillary Pilot Project | 23/04/2015 |
7 | SOT-8-ppt-7.1 | Task Team on Satellite Communication Systems [ | 23/04/2015 |
7 | SOT-8-ppt-7.2 | Task Team on ASAP | 23/04/2015 |
7 | SOT-8-ppt-7.5 | Task Team on Instrument Standards | 23/04/2015 |
8 | SOT-8-ppt-8.1.1 | Report by the VOSP Chairperson | 23/04/2015 |
8 | SOT-8-ppt-8.2.1 | VOS status report | 23/04/2015 |
8 | SOT-8-ppt-8.3 | VOS Developments | 23/04/2015 |
8 | SOT-8-ppt-8.4 | PMO Status and activities | 23/04/2015 |
8 | SOT-8-ppt-8.5 | VOS Issues | 23/04/2015 |
8 | SOT-8-ppt-8.2.2 | E-SURFMAR Expert Team on VOS status report | 23/04/2015 |
8 | SOT-8-ppt- | Electronic logbook developments (TurboWin, TurboWeb) | 23/04/2015 |
8 | SOT-8-ppt- | E-SURFMAR - EUCAWS developments | 23/04/2015 |
9 | SOT-8-ppt-9.1.1 | Report by the SOOPIP Chairperson | 23/04/2015 |
9 | SOT-8-ppt-9.1.3 | XBT Science Team | 23/04/2015 |
9 | SOT-8-ppt-9.2.1 | Status of SOOP implementation | 23/04/2015 |
9 | SOT-8-ppt-9.2.2 | XBT sampling transect occupation | 23/04/2015 |
9 | SOT-8-ppt-9.2.3 | Ship riders in High Density Deployments | 23/04/2015 |
9 | SOT-8-ppt-9.3.1 | pCO2 systems | 23/04/2015 |
9 | SOT-8-ppt-9.3.2 | Thermosalinograph Network | 23/04/2015 |
9 | SOT-8-ppt-9.4.1 | XBT Fall Rate Equation (FRE) advancements | 23/04/2015 |
9 | SOT-8-ppt-9.4.2 | FRE experiments for depth offsets | 23/04/2015 |
9 | SOT-8-ppt-9.4.3 | Review of the XBT network | 23/04/2015 |
9 | SOT-8-ppt-9.5.2 | Southern Ocean Data | 23/04/2015 |
9 | SOT-8-ppt-9.5.3 | International Quality controlled Ocean Data Base (IQUOD) | 23/04/2015 |
Agenda | Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
Agenda | Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
1.2 | SOT-8-doc-1.2(1)-Rev3-Agenda | Provisional Agenda (Rev. 3) | 13/04/15 |
1.2 | SOT-8-doc-1.2(2)-Rev2-Annotated-Agenda | Provisional Annotated Agenda (Rev. 2) | 02/04/15 |
1.3 | SOT-8-INF2-REV3-Docplan | Documentation Plan (Rev. 3) | 09/04/15 |
1.3 | SOT-8-INF3-Rev4-Time-Table | Provisional Time Table (Rev. 4) | 13/04/15 |
10.1.1 | SOT-8-doc-10.1.1-RSMC | VOS Monitoring Report of the Regional Specialized Meteorological Centre (RSMC), Exeter | 02/04/15 |
10.1.2 | SOT-8-doc-10.1.2-VOSClim-RTMC | Report by the VOSClim data Real Time Monitoring Centre (RTMC) | 02/04/15 |
10.1.3 | SOT-8-doc-10.1.3-Apx-A-ASAP-QC-Monitoring-ECMWF | ASAP quality monitoring reports- Appendix A (ECMWF report) | 09/04/15 |
10.1.3 | SOT-8-doc-10.1.3-Apx-B-ASAP-QC-Monitoring-France | ASAP quality monitoring reports- Appendix B (Meteo France report) | 13/04/15 |
10.1.3 | SOT-8-doc-10.1.3-REV1-ASAP-QC-Monitoring | ASAP Quality Monitoring Reports (Rev. 1) | 13/04/15 |
10.1.4 | SOT-8-doc-10.1.4-GTSPP | Global Temperature and Salinity Profile Programme (GTSPP) | 19/03/15 |
10.1.5 | SOT-8-doc-10.1.5-GOSUD | Global Ocean Surface Underway Data Pilot Project (GOSUD) | 01/04/15 |
10.2.1 | SOT-8-doc-10.2.1-GCCs | Global Collecting Centres (GCCs) report on the VOS and VOSClim | 08/04/15 |
10.2.2 | SOT-8-doc-10.2.2-VOSClim-DAC | VOSClim Data Assembly Centre (DAC) Report | 25/03/15 |
10.3 | SOT-8-doc-10.3-Codes | Operational Coding Requirements | 02/04/15 |
10.4 | SOT-8-doc-10.5-Metadata | SOOP, GO-SHIP, and ASAP metadata requirements | 08/04/15 |
11 | SOT-8-doc-11-Rev1-Anx-1-SOT-IS-draft | Draft updated SOT Implementation Strategy | 15/04/15 |
11 | SOT-8-doc-11-Rev1-SOT-IS | SOT Implementation Strategy | 23/03/15 |
12.3 | SOT-8-doc-12.3-funding | Funding issues (SOT Technical Co-ordinator, Trust Funds) | 08/04/15 |
13 | SOT-8-doc-13-Nat-Reports | National Reports | 02/04/15 |
13 | SOT-8-bck-India | SOT Indian Initiatives | 22/04/15 |
13 | SOT-8-bck-China | China National Report | 23/04/15 |
13 | SOT-8 NR | SOT-8 NR Australia | 04/05/15 |
13 | SOT-8 NR | SOT-8 NR China | 04/05/15 |
13 | SOT-8 NR | SOT8-NR- France | 04/05/15 |
13 | SOT-8 NR | SOT-8 NR Germany | 04/05/15 |
13 | SOT-8 NR | SOT-8 NR Greece | 04/05/15 |
13 | SOT-8 NR | SOT-8 NR Hong Kong | 04/05/15 |
13 | SOT-8 NR | SOT-8 NR India | 04/05/15 |
13 | SOT-8 NR | SOT-8 NR Japan | 04/05/15 |
13 | SOT-8 NR | SOT-8 NR Netherlands | 04/05/15 |
13 | SOT-8 NR | SOT-8 NR UK | 04/05/15 |
13 | SOT-8 NR | SOT-8 NR USA | 04/05/15 |
3.1 | SOT-8-doc-3.1-rev1-Secretariat | Secretariat Report (Rev. 1) | 15/04/15 |
3.2 | SOT-8-doc-3.2-OPA | Report from the Observations Programme Area Coordinator | 14/04/15 |
3.3 | SOT-8-doc-3.3-Chair-Report | Report from the SOT Chairperson | 19/03/15 |
3.4 | SOT-8-doc-3.4(1)-SOT-TC-Report | Report from the SOT Technical Coordinator | 09/04/15 |
4 | SOT-8-doc-4-Action-Items | Review of Action Items from SOT-7 | 16/04/15 |
5 | SOT-8-doc-5-Rev1-Requirements | Requirements for ship-based observations (RRR and OOPC) (REV1) | 09/04/15 |
6.5 | SOT-8-bck-WOC | World Ocean Council | 19/04/15 |
6.6 | SOT-8-bck-OceanScope | OceanScope | 15/04/15 |
7 | SOT-8-doc-7-Task-Team-reports | Recommendation by the Task Teams | 02/04/15 |
7.3 | SOT-8-doc-7-Apx-C-Anx-D-VOS-Brochure | Draft VOS Brochure | 01/04/15 |
7.3 | SOT-8-doc-7-Apx-C-Anx-E-VOS-Poster | Draft VOS Poster | 01/04/15 |
7.3 | SOT-8-doc-7-Apx-C-Anx-G-VOS-Framework | The VOS Scheme, a Framework Document, draft revised version (REV3) | 13/04/15 |
7.4 | SOT-8-doc-7-Apx-D-Anx-Pub47-format | Draft revised WMO No. 47 format v4.2 | 01/05/15 |
7.8 | SOT-8-doc-7.8-VOS-Ancillary-PP | VOS Ancillary Pilot Project Report | 01/04/15 |
8.1.1 | SOT-8-doc-8.1.1-VOSP-Chair | VOS Panel Chair Report | 01/04/15 |
8.1.2 | SOT-8-doc-8.1.2-SOT-TC-VOS-Support | report from the SOT Technical Coordinator on VOS Support Activities | 09/04/15 |
8.2.1 | SOT-8-doc-8.2.1-VOS-Status | VOS Programme Status Report | 07/04/15 |
8.2.2 | SOT-8-doc-8.2.2-E-SURFMAR | E-SURFMAR Expert Team Status Report | 09/04/15 |
8.2.3 | SOT-8-doc-8.2.3-VOS-DP | VOS Donation Programme | 08/04/15 |
8.3 | SOT-8-doc-8.3-VOS-Developments | VOS Developments | 01/04/15 |
8.4 | SOT-8-doc-8.4-PMO | PMO Status and Activities | 14/04/15 |
8.5 | SOT-8-doc-8.5-VOS-Issues | VOS Issues | 13/04/15 |
9.1.1 | SOT-8-doc-9.1.1-SOOPIP-Chair | Report from the SOOPIP Chairperson (incl. XBT Science Team) | 21/04/15 |
9.2 | SOT-8-doc-9.2-SOOP-Status | SOOP Programme Status and Implementation | 08/04/15 |
9.2.1 | SOT-8-doc.9.2.2-XBT-Status | Status of the XBT Network | 21/04/15 |
9.3 | SOT-8-doc-9.3-Other-SOOP-Activities | Interactions with other SOOP sampling programmes and activities | 21/04/15 |
9.4 | SOT-8-doc-9.4-SOOP-plans-dev | Developments and plans for the SOOP | 20/04/15 |
9.5.1 | SOT-8-doc-9.5.1-XBT-data-flow | XBT Data Flow and Transmissions | 01/04/15 |
9.5.2 | SOT-8-doc-9.5.2-Southern-Ocean | Southern Ocean Data | 08/04/15 |
9.5.3 | SOT-8-doc-9.5.3-Rev1-IQuOD | International Quality controlled Database (IQuOD) (Rev. 1) | 08/04/15 |
Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
SOT-8-OCG-6-INF1-Local-Information | Local Information | 08/12/2014 |
JCOMM-MR-120, SOT-8 Report | Eighth Session of the Ship Observations Team (SOT-8), Final Report | 26/08/2015 |
There are 49 participants associated with Eighth Session of the JCOMM Ship Observations Team (SOT) .
Name | Country |
STANDER Johan | Switzerland |
Name | Country |
CHARPENTIER Etienne | Switzerland |
GROSS Thomas | United States of America |
Name | Country |
BELBEOCH Mathieu | Switzerland |
BERNARD Yann | France |
BERRY David | Switzerland |
BLOUCH Pierre | France |
BRINGAS Francis | United States of America |
CABRIE Joel | Australia |
CENTURIONI Luca | United States of America |
CHOW Chi-Kin | China |
COHUET Jean-Baptiste | France |
CUNNINGHAM Fraser | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
DE VILLIERS Mardené | South Africa |
DONG Shenfu | United States of America |
DU PLESSIS Marcel | South Africa |
FUNKE Michael | South Africa |
GATES Lydia | Germany |
GONI Gustavo J. | United States of America |
GORDON David | South Africa |
GUILLEMET Cindy | France |
HUTCHINSON Katherine | South Africa |
JACOBS Christopher | South Africa |
KICHENSIDE-QUINN Miranda | Australia |
KOTTA Dionysia | Greece |
KRAMP Martin | France |
KROCKAUER Rudolf | Germany |
MARAIS Sydney | South Africa |
MELDRUM David | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
MINNETT Peter | United States of America |
NAIR Balakrishnan | India |
NAUDY Cedric | France |
NORTH Sarah | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
OHNO Hiroshi | Japan |
PETERSEN Wilhelm | Germany |
PMO German | Germany |
PRATAMA Bayu Edo | Indonesia |
PRITCHETT Steven | United States of America |
RASEHLOMI Tshikana | South Africa |
ROZEMA Jan | Netherlands (Kingdom of the) |
RYCHTAR Paula | United States of America |
SHANG Wenyan | China |
SLOYAN Bernadette | Australia |
SMITH Shawn | United States of America |
SUN Charles | United States of America |
TOFA Moegamat | South Africa |
TRINANES Joaquin | United States of America |
WEI Lixin | China |
YANG JinKun | China |
Participant Stats:
Total Invited: 49
Confirmed: 49
Not confirmed: 0
Unapproved: 0
Not-participating: 0
Rejected: 0
Label(s): no labels
Created at 17:37 on 07 Jan 2014 by Thomas Gross
Last Updated at 09:48 on 06 Jan 2023 by Sofie de Baenst