<b>COWCLIP Review meeting</b>
02 November 2013
Banff Alberta
Organiser(s) & Staff
Open attendance.
[Executive Summary: January 2014]
The Coordinated Ocean Wave Climate Project (COWCLIP) review meeting was held on November 1-2, 2013 at the Fairmont Banff Springs Hotel, Banff, Canada, with the support of the Joint Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology of the World Meteorological Organization and the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO (JCOMM). The meeting aimed to review the status of COWCLIP and the research being carried out within its community, assess the continued need for COWCLIP, clarify COWCLIP\'s mission and objectives, and reassess the organizational structure of the COWCLIP Working Group. It was attended by twenty-one researchers from twelve countries.
The meeting was opened with a brief overview of COWCLIP. This outlined the objectives and scope of COWCLIP, which span:
- Global projections of wind-wave climate under future climate scenarios
- Regional projections of wind-wave climate under future climate scenarios
- Coupled wind-wave-climate modeling
- Historical wave climate variability and change.
On the first day of the meeting, attendees were invited to present brief updates on progress and future planned research activities that overlap with the interests of the COWCLIP, and 9 contributing research groups provided updates. This was followed by a broad discussion which covered several areas, including:
- Have the CMIP5 experiments met the wave community needs? What could be improved for CMIP6? COWCLIP recommendations for CLIVAR
- Climate-wave model coupling
- Assessing skill of GCMs for wave climate studies
- Regional studies
- Extremes
- Forcing conditions other than wind (e.g., ice coverage, SST, tropical cylones, etc).
- the effects of climate variability and change on the wave climate, and
- the feedback influences of waves on the coupled ocean-atmosphere climate system.
[General Information: February 2013]
An open invitation COWCLIP review meeting is scheduled to align with the 13th International Workshop on Wave Hindcasting and Forecasting (http://www.waveworkshop.org). The Wave Workshop is to be held at the Fairmont, Banff Springs, Banff, Alberta, Canada (http://www.fairmont.com/banff-springs/) during the week 27th October – 1st November, 2013. The COWCLIP review meeting will be held on the following Saturday (2nd November) at that location with the support of JCOMM.
A COWCLIP related wave climate session is proposed for the Wave Workshop, and we invite abstracts across the following themes for this session:
- Historical wave climate variability and change
- Regional and global wind-wave climate projections
- The role of wind-waves in the coupled climate system.
First call for abstracts for the workshop »
The objectives of the COWCLIP review meeting are to:
- Assess progress of the COWCLIP project against the objectives agreed at the Geneva workshop (see http://www.jcomm.info/cowclip)
- Review future activities for COWCLIP
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[View an annotated printable version of this agenda]
Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
JCOMM-TR-076, SPA_ETWS_COWCLIP_02 | Coordinated Ocean Wave Climate Project (COWCLIP) Review | 19/03/2014 |
There are 22 participants associated with <b>COWCLIP Review meeting</b> .
Name | Country |
AARNES Ole Johan | Norway |
BITNER-GREGERSEN Elzbieta | Norway |
BREIVIK Oyvind | Norway |
BUSHNELL Mark | United States of America |
CAMUS Paula | Spain |
CHARLES Elodie | Australia |
ERIKSON Li | United States of America |
FAN Yalin | United States of America |
GROLL Nikolaus | Germany |
HEMER Mark | Australia |
HORSBURGH Kevin | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
LEE Boram | Switzerland |
LIONELLO Piero | Italy |
MENDEZ Fernando J. | Spain |
MORI Nobuhito | Japan |
PARIS Francois | Guadeloupe |
PERRIE William | Canada |
SAULTER Andy | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
SEMEDO Alvaro | Sweden |
SWAIL Val | Canada |
TOULANY Bash | Canada |
WANG Xiaolan | Canada |
WEISSE Ralf | Germany |
WHITEHOUSE Brian | Canada |
WOLF Judith | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
= Person has declined to participate or had their request to participate declined.
Participant Stats:
Total Invited: 25
Confirmed: 22
Not confirmed: 0
Unapproved: 0
Not-participating: 3
Rejected: 0