Regional Workshop on Effective Tsunami Disaster Reduction Implementation Progress in Pacific Island Countries and PTWC Proposed Enhanced Products
Regional Workshop on effective TEWS
12 - 13 July 2012
Organiser(s) & Staff
By invitation only.
At the kind invitation of the Government of Samoa, a regional Workshop on Effective Tsunami Disaster Reduction Implementation Progress in Pacific Island Countries and PTWC Proposed Enhanced Products will be held from 12 to 13 July 2012 in Apia, Samoa. This will be followed by the third meeting of the ICG/PTWS Regional Working Group on Tsunami Warning and Mitigation in the South-West Pacific Region (3rd ICG/PTWS-WG SW Pacific) on 14 July 2012 also to be held at the same venue. The objective of the regional Workshop on Effective Tsunami Disaster Reduction Implementation Progress in Pacific Island Countries and PTWC Proposed Enhanced Products is to • Discuss and provide guidance on the requirements upon PTWS Member States contained in the PTWS Implentation Plan, specifically with regard to: - Actions in Risk Assessment and Reduction - Actions in Detection, Warning and Dissemination - Actions in Awareness and Response • Update participants on developments with regard to the Pacific Tsunami Warning & Mitigation System • Inform on and obtain feedback on the proposed enhanced products from the PTWC The Workshop is targeted at representatives from National Disaster Management Offices (NDMOs) and Tsunami Warning Centres (TWCs) of Pacific Island countries.
[View an annotated printable version of this agenda]
Agenda | Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
Agenda | Code | Name | Updated on | Action |
2.1 | Risk Assessment and reduction: Earthquake and Tsunami Science Review, Tsunami Hazard and Risk | 24/08/12 |
2.3 | End-to-End Tsunami Warning and Emergency Response A Race against Time | 24/08/12 |
2.3 | 11 March 2011 National Tsunami Warning Japan | 24/08/12 |
2.3 | JMA\'s response to Off the pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake and planed improvemets of tsunami Warning | 24/08/12 |
2.4 | 10 Steps to Enable a Successful Tsunami Response | 24/08/12 |
2.4 | Developing tsunami warning standard operating procedures | 24/08/12 |
2.4 | Developing timelines | 24/08/12 |
2.6 | 2.6 Awareness and Response: Evaucation zones, mapping & sinage - Samoa project | 25/09/12 |
3.1 | PTWC New Products for the PTWS: Why? | 25/09/12 |
3.2 | Tsunami Forecast Models | 25/09/12 |
3.3 | PTWC New Products for the PTWS What is proposed? | 25/09/12 |
3.4 | PTWC New Products Technical Capabilities and Limitations, Staging | 25/09/12 |
There are 14 participants associated with Regional Workshop on Effective Tsunami Disaster Reduction Implementation Progress in Pacific Island Countries and PTWC Proposed Enhanced Products , 9 of whom are provisional .
Name | Country |
ANDERSON Don | Australia |
BENIAMINA Iokenti | Kiribati |
FA'ANUNU 'Ofa | Tonga |
GLEDHILL Ken | New Zealand |
HIRIASIA David | Solomon Islands |
KEMP Justin | New Zealand |
KUROIWA Koji | Switzerland |
LEWIS Jennifer | United States of America |
MCCREERY Charles | United States of America |
NELSON Filomena | Samoa |
NGARI Arona | Cook Islands |
PRASAD Rajendra | Fiji |
PULEHETOA Sionetasi | Niue |
TAIKI Henry | Samoa |
TUIVAGA William | Cook Islands |
= Person has not yet confirmed their participation.
= Person has declined to participate or had their request to participate declined.
Participant Stats:
Total Invited: 15
Confirmed: 5
Not confirmed: 9
Unapproved: 0
Not-participating: 1
Rejected: 0
Label(s): no labels
Created at 16:49 on 09 May 2012 by Bernardo Aliaga Rossel
Last Updated at 00:26 on 26 Sep 2012 by Bernardo Aliaga Rossel